Slack integration for Foobot.
You can use this script to customize Slack alerts when conditions exceed a certain threshold:
You can also set this up as a bot to enable on-demand air quality graphs:
foobot-slack has the following dependencies: requests, slackbot, pyfoobot, matplotlib, imgurpython. They can all be installed using pip:
$ pip install requests slackbot pyfoobot matplotlib imgurpython
You'll need to rename config.example.txt
to config.txt
. The API parameters for slack, foobot, and imgur are needed for full functionality. All other parameters can be omitted to use default settings.
To set up Slack integration, create an incoming webhook and/or create a bot user.
The "SLACK_WEBHOOK" parameter should be the part of your webhook URL that comes AFTER (not including) "".
You will also need to register for a Foobot API key and register for an imgur API application. imgur is used to host the graph images. Eventually this will be replaced by uploading directly to Slack.
To check for alerts, run python
. I have this set up as a cron job, but keep in mind that Foobot has an API limit of 200 requests per day.
To run as a bot, run python
. Invite the bot to a channel, and it will respond to any message directed at it containing the string "air quality".