This repo contains the package/nodes for ROS2 to generate sample GeoPose messages and visualise them. Once installed and built, everything can be run by calling the included launch file.
- Clone this the OGC_Geopose_msgs repo into your ROS2 workspace. e.g.
cd ros2_ws/src
git clone
git clone
- Run the following:
cd geopose_ros_tools/resource/ ; ./
cd ../../.. ; colcon build; source ~/.bashrc
ros2 launch geopose_ros_tools
When a real or digital object's pose is defined relative to a geographical frame of reference, it will be called a geographically-anchored pose, or ''GeoPose'' for short. All physical world objects have a geographically-anchored pose. Digital objects may be assigned/attributed a GeoPose.
OGC GeoPose Standard defines the encodings for the real world position and orientation of a real or a digital object in a machine-readable form. Using GeoPose enables the easy integration of digital elements on and in relation to the surface of the planet.
- Make sure you have cloned the ogc_geopose_msgs repo to your ROS/ROS2 workspace:
git clone
- Clone this repo to the same workspace:
git clone
- Build within your workspace:
colcon build
- Launch the demo:
ros2 launch geopose_ros_tools