- Docker + docker compose
- NodeJS 10 (current) + npm or yarn
- Run
- Enable ESLint in PHPStorm (automatic configuration search can be enabled)
- Create a symlink in var/ that points to your
var/data folder - Configure your app for production using the file config/config.prod.js OR change the config import in src/index.js to config/config.dev for local development
- Run
sudo docker-compose up
And you're done! You can peek into the running docker container using sudo docker-compose logs -f
or look into the logfile located
at var/log/app.log to view the server output.
Important note: The base64 payload must not come after the host. The following call would be invalid: http://<my-host>/<base64-payload> Instead, you must preceed the base64 payload with a path like so: http://<my-host>/some-arbitrary-path/<base64-payload>