This repository provides tools in Python (using LXML.Etree) and XQuery for retrieving comments from Adobe XFDF format files into different ASCII-based exports: CSV, TST, others.
This file has been tested with the xquilla
command line tool
You can test it, for instace, with:
xqilla -i examples/Technical_Document_Comments.xfdf xfdf2xhtml.xquery
That command should generate the following output (after formatting it with xmllint --format
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xhtml xmlns="">
<th align="left">Issue #</th>
<th align="left">Section</th>
<th align="left">Page</th>
<th align="left">Author</th>
<th align="left">Observation</th>
<td>Document Software Box</td>
<td>Santander-Vela, Juande</td>
<td>The version of the DocBook plugin, and of the related XSLT files for templating/personalisation for TM should be included, in this and the rest of Cameo-generated documents.</td>
<td>List of Tables</td>
<td>Santander-Vela, Juande</td>
<td>Regarding the issue of tables vs diagrams, there should be a clarification. It would be less confusing if the "diagram" included a table in graphical form, but because it is really in table form, the SysML link is lost.</td>
<td>TM_REQ_358, TBD118</td>
<td>Santander-Vela, Juande</td>
<td>Could this be brought into a TBC soon?</td>
<td>TM_REQ_358, TBD119</td>
<td>Santander-Vela, Juande</td>
<td>Could this be a TBC soon?</td>
<td>Santander-Vela, Juande</td>
<td>Seems to verify TM_REQ_35, but that requirement has been removed from the T0000-0000-RS-001 document.</td>