I'm Juliana Mascarenhas, and I've been working in the IT field since 2010. Nowadays I'm working on the data field focus on data engineering and analyis. I have a master degree in a specific area of expertise, modeling with Network Data Science. I'm also a tech instructor and content creator on Youtube channels SR and SP.
We alredy pass the ✨ 12k ✨ in the Simplificando Redes on the Youtube. We just simplify computing issues such as: docker, python, database, sql, nosql, linux, infrastructure, rabbitmq, cybersecurity and others.
So... you can see now that I love contributing to the community by creating articles, videos and sharing valuable information about IT careers. For more information access the links bellow.
- 🔭 I’m currently work as a Tech Instructor and Data Analyst at IOC Fiocruz
- 📫 How to reach me: Linkedin
- MySQL course DIO: SQL Database Specialist
- Power BI Training DIO: Power BI Analyst
- 📢 Youtube Channels: Simplificando Redes and Simplificando Programação
- 📢 Site (blog): www.simplificandoredes.com