Example queries using Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insight for Serverless applications.
- Query most recent 100 errors
- Top 100 most expensive invocations
- Cold start percentage over time
- Cold starts and InitDuration
- Checking Lambda performance
- Exclude informational logs
fields Timestamp, LogLevel, Message
| filter LogLevel == "ERR"
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 100
filter @type = "REPORT"
| fields @requestId, @billedDuration
| sort by @billedDuration desc
| limit 100
filter @type = "REPORT"
| stats
"Init Duration"))
/ count(*)
* 100
as coldStartPercentage,
by bin(5m)
filter @type="REPORT"
| fields @memorySize / 1000000 as memorySize
| filter @message like /(?i)(Init Duration)/
| parse @message /^REPORT.*Init Duration: (?<initDuration>.*) ms.*/
| parse @log /^.*\/aws\/lambda\/(?<functionName>.*)/
| stats count() as coldStarts, median(initDuration) as avgInitDuration, max(initDuration) as maxInitDuration by functionName, memorySize
P90 latency, total invokes, and max latency for a 5 min time window in a table
filter @type = "REPORT"
| stats avg(@duration), max(@duration), min(@duration), pct(@duration, 90), count(@duration) by bin(5m)
Excludes common informational logs to report only the errors. In this example it highlights errors:
fields @timestamp, @message
| sort @timestamp desc
| filter @message not like 'EXTENSION'
| filter @message not like 'Lambda Insights'
| filter @message not like 'INFO'
| filter @message not like 'REPORT'
| filter @message not like 'END'
| filter @message not like 'START'