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First version of the cobiclust package
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julieaubert committed Oct 9, 2017
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Package: cobiclust
Type: Package
Title: Biclustering via Latent Block Model Adapted to Overdispersed Count Data
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Julie Aubert
Maintainer: Julie Aubert <[email protected]>
Description: Implementation of a probabilistic method for biclustering
adapted to overdispersed count data. It is a Gamma-Poisson Latent Block Model.
It also implements two selection criteria in order to select the number of
License: GPL-2
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
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252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions R/cobiclust.R
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# cobiclust R package
# Copyright INRA 2017
# UMR MIA-Paris, AgroParisTech, INRA, Universite Paris-Saclay, 75005, Paris, France
#' Perform a biclustering adapted to overdispersed count data.
#' @param x the input matrix of observed data.
#' @param K an integer specifying the number of groups in rows.
#' @param G an integer specifying the number of groups in columns.
#' @param nu_j a vector of . The length is equal to the number of colums.
#' @param a an numeric.
#' @param akg a logical variable indicating whether to use a common dispersion parameter (akg = FALSE) or a dispersion parameter per cocluster (akg = TRUE).
#' @param cvg_lim a number specifying the threshold used for convergence criterion (cvg_lim = 1e-05 by default).
#' @param nbiter the maximal number of iterations for the global loop of variational EM algorithm (nbiter = 5000 by default).
#' @return An object of class cobiclustering
#' @examples
#' npc <- c(50, 40) # nodes per class
#' KG <- c(2, 3) # classes
#' nm <- npc * KG # nodes
#' Z <- diag( KG[1]) %x% matrix(1, npc[1], 1)
#' W <- diag(KG[2]) %x% matrix(1, npc[2], 1)
#' L <- 70 * matrix( runif( KG[1] * KG[2]), KG[1], KG[2])
#' M_in_expectation <- Z %*% L %*% t(W)
#' size <- 50
#' M<-matrix(
#' rnbinom(
#' n = length(as.vector(M_in_expectation)),
#' mu = as.vector(M_in_expectation), size = size)
#' , nm[1], nm[2])
#' rownames(M) <- paste("OTU", 1:nrow(M), sep = "_")
#' colnames(M) <- paste("S", 1:ncol(M), sep = "_")
#' res <- cobiclust(M, K = 2, G = 3, nu_j = rep(1,120), a = 1/size, cvg_lim = 1e-5)
#' @seealso \code{\link{cobiclustering}} for the cobiclustering class.
#' @export

cobiclust <-
function(x, K = 2, G = 3, nu_j = NULL, a = NULL, akg = FALSE, cvg_lim = 1e-05,
nbiter = 5000){
tol = 1e-04
# Parameter initialisation ---------------------------
res_init <- init_pam(x = x, nu_j = nu_j, a = a, K = K, G = G, akg = akg)

n <- nrow(x)
m <- ncol(x)
nu_j <- res_init$parameters$nu_j
mu_i <- res_init$parameters$mu_i
t_jg <- res_init$info$t_jg
s_ik <- res_init$info$s_ik
pi_c <- res_init$parameters$pi
rho_c <- res_init$parameters$rho
alpha_c <- matrix(nrow = K, ncol = G, res_init$parameters$alpha)
a0 <- res_init$parameters$a
exp_utilde <- res_init$info$exp_utilde
exp_logutilde <- res_init$info$exp_logutilde
lb <- NULL
lbtt <- NULL

# Global EM -----------------------------------------------------------------
j <- 0
crit <- 1

while((crit > cvg_lim) & (j < nbiter))
j = j+1
#cat("Iteration EM global ",j,"\\n")
t_old <- t_jg
s_old <- s_ik
pi_old <- pi_c
rho_old <- rho_c
alpha_old <- alpha_c
a_old <- a0
exp_utilde_old <- exp_utilde
exp_logutilde_old <- exp_logutilde

# EM on the rows -----------------------------------------------------------------
i <- 0
crit_em1 <- 1
while(crit_em1 > cvg_lim)
i = i + 1
pi_old <- pi_c
alpha_old1 <- alpha_c
# s_ik ------------------
if (is.matrix(nu_j)){
s_ik_tmp1 <- sapply(1:K, FUN = function(k) log(pi_c[k]) +
rowSums(sapply(1:ncol(x), FUN = function(j) rowSums(
sapply(1:G, FUN = function(l)
t_jg[j, l] * x[, j] * (log(alpha_c[k, l]) + exp_logutilde[, j])
- t_jg[j, l] * mu_i * nu_j[, j] * alpha_c[k, l] * exp_utilde[, j])))))

} else {
s_ik_tmp1 <- sapply(1:K, FUN = function(k) log(pi_c[k]) +
rowSums(sapply(1:ncol(x), FUN = function(j) rowSums(
sapply(1:G, FUN = function(l)
t_jg[j, l] * x[, j] * (log(alpha_c[k, l]) + exp_logutilde[, j])
- t_jg[j, l] * mu_i * nu_j[j] * alpha_c[k, l] * exp_utilde[, j])))))


s_ik_tmp2 <-s_ik_tmp1 - rowMeans(s_ik_tmp1)
s_ik_tmp <- apply(s_ik_tmp2, 2, FUN = function(x) exp(x) / rowSums(exp(s_ik_tmp2)))
if (sum(is.nan(s_ik)) > 0) {
rmax <- apply(s_ik_tmp1, 1, max)
s_ik_tmp3 <- s_ik_tmp1 - rmax
s_ik <- apply(s_ik_tmp3, 2, FUN = function(x) exp(x) / rowSums(exp(s_ik_tmp3)))
rm(s_ik_tmp1, s_ik_tmp2, s_ik_tmp)
s_ik <- apply(s_ik, c(1, 2), FUN = function(x) if (x <= 0.5) max(tol, x)
else if (x > 0.5) min(x, 1 - tol))
s_ik[s_ik == tol] <- tol / (ncol(s_ik) - 1)
s_ik <- s_ik / rowSums(s_ik)

# Update pi_c, rho_c, alpha, a ------------------
pi_c <- colMeans(s_ik)
# alpha_c
alpha_c <- alpha_calculation(s_ik = s_ik, t_jg = t_jg, nu_j = nu_j, mu_i = mu_i,
K = K, G = G, x = x, exp_utilde = exp_utilde)
# Calculations of exp_utilde and exp_logutilde ------------------
if (akg == FALSE) {
qu_param <- qu_calculation(s_ik = s_ik, t_jg = t_jg, x = x, mu_i = mu_i,
nu_j = nu_j, alpha_c = alpha_c, a = a0)
} else {
qu_param <- qukg_calculation(s_ik = s_ik, t_jg = t_jg, x = x, mu_i = mu_i,
nu_j = nu_j, alpha_c = alpha_c, a = a0)
exp_utilde <- qu_param$exp_utilde
exp_logutilde <- qu_param$exp_logutilde
# Stopping criteria
crit_em1 <- sum((sort(alpha_c) - sort(alpha_old1))^2)
+ sum((sort(pi_c) - sort(pi_old))^2)

# Calculation of t_{c+1} ------------------
i <- 0
crit_em2 <- 1
while(crit_em2 > cvg_lim)
i = i + 1
rho_old <- rho_c
alpha_old2 <- alpha_c
t_old <- t_jg
if (is.matrix(nu_j)){
t_jg_tmp <- sapply(1:G, FUN = function(l) log(rho_c[l]) +
rowSums(sapply(1:nrow(x), FUN = function(i)
rowSums(sapply(1:K, FUN = function(k) s_ik[i, k] * x[i,]
* (log(alpha_c[k, l]) + exp_logutilde[i, ])
- s_ik[i, k] * mu_i[i] * nu_j[i,] * alpha_c[k, l]
* exp_utilde[i, ])))))
} else {
t_jg_tmp <- sapply(1:G, FUN = function(l) log(rho_c[l]) +
rowSums(sapply(1:nrow(x), FUN = function(i)
rowSums(sapply(1:K, FUN = function(k) s_ik[i, k] * x[i,]
* (log(alpha_c[k, l]) + exp_logutilde[i, ])
- s_ik[i, k] * mu_i[i] * nu_j * alpha_c[k, l]
* exp_utilde[i, ])))))
t_jg_tmp2 <-t_jg_tmp - rowMeans(t_jg_tmp)
t_jg <- apply(t_jg_tmp2, 2, FUN = function(x) exp(x) / rowSums(exp(t_jg_tmp2)))
if (sum(is.nan(t_jg)) > 0) {
rmax <- apply(t_jg_tmp, 1, max)
t_jg_tmp3 <- t_jg_tmp - rmax
t_jg <- apply(t_jg_tmp3, 2, FUN = function(x) exp(x) / rowSums(exp(t_jg_tmp3)))

t_jg <- apply(t_jg, c(1, 2), FUN = function(x) if (x <= 0.5) max(tol, x)
else if (x > 0.5) min(x, 1 - tol))
t_jg[t_jg == tol] <- (tol) / (ncol(t_jg) - 1)

t_jg <- t_jg / rowSums(t_jg)
# Update of pi_c, rho_c, alpha, a ------------------------------------
rho_c <- colMeans(t_jg)

#--------------- alpha
alpha_c <- alpha_calculation(s_ik = s_ik, t_jg = t_jg, nu_j = nu_j, mu_i = mu_i,
K = K, G = G, x = x, exp_utilde = exp_utilde)

# calculations of exp_utilde and exp_logutilde ------------------
if (akg == FALSE) {
qu_param <- qu_calculation(s_ik = s_ik, t_jg = t_jg, x = x, mu_i = mu_i, nu_j = nu_j, alpha_c = alpha_c, a = a0)
} else {
qu_param <- qukg_calculation(s_ik = s_ik, t_jg = t_jg, x = x, mu_i = mu_i,
nu_j = nu_j, alpha_c = alpha_c, a = a0)
exp_utilde <- qu_param$exp_utilde
exp_logutilde <- qu_param$exp_logutilde
crit_em2 <- sum((sort(rho_c) - sort(rho_old))^2)
+ sum((sort(alpha_c) - sort(alpha_old2))^2)

# Estimation of mu_i ------------------
if (is.matrix(nu_j)) {
mu_i <- rowSums(x %*% t_jg) /
rowSums(s_ik * (nu_j %*% tcrossprod (t_jg, alpha_c) ) )
} else {
mu_i <- rowSums(x %*% t_jg) /
rowSums(s_ik * rowSums(matrix(nrow = K,
sapply(1:G, FUN = function(l) alpha_c[, l] *
colSums(t_jg * nu_j)[l]))))
# Estimation of a and update of exp_utilde, exp_logutilde, alpha_c --------------------
lb_old <- lb
a_old <- a0
if (is.null(a)){
if (akg == FALSE){
left_bound = sum(exp_logutilde)
right_bound = sum(exp_utilde)
a0 <- dicho(x = 0.01, y = abs(max(left_bound, right_bound)), threshold = 1e-08,
nb = n * m, left_bound = left_bound, right_bound = right_bound)
} else {
left_bound = crossprod(s_ik, exp_logutilde %*% t_jg)
right_bound = crossprod(s_ik, exp_utilde %*% t_jg)
n_kg <- crossprod(s_ik, matrix(nrow = n, ncol = m, 1) %*% t_jg)
a0 <- matrix(nrow = K, ncol = G, sapply(1:(K*G),
FUN = function(g) dicho(x = 0.01, y = 100, threshold = 1e-08, nb = n_kg[g], left_bound = left_bound[g], right_bound = right_bound[g])))

if (akg == FALSE) {
qu_param <- qu_calculation(s_ik = s_ik, t_jg = t_jg, x = x,
mu_i = mu_i, nu_j = nu_j, alpha_c = alpha_c, a = a0)
} else {
qu_param <- qukg_calculation(s_ik = s_ik, t_jg = t_jg, x = x, mu_i = mu_i,
nu_j = nu_j, alpha_c = alpha_c, a = a0)
alpha_c <- alpha_calculation(s_ik = s_ik, t_jg = t_jg, nu_j = nu_j, mu_i = mu_i,
K = K, G = G, x = x, exp_utilde = qu_param$exp_utilde)
# Calculation of the lower bound ----------------------------------------
lb_out <- lb_calculation(x = x, qu_param = qu_param, s_ik = s_ik, pi_c = pi_c,
t_jg = t_jg, rho_c = rho_c, mu_i = mu_i,
nu_j = nu_j, alpha_c = alpha_c, a = a0, akg = akg)

lb <- lb_out$lb
# Stopping criterion based on the lower bound --------------------
if (j > 1){
crit <- abs((lb - lb_old) / lb_old)
lbtt <- c(lbtt, lb)
colclass <- apply(t_jg, 1, which.max)
rowclass <- apply(s_ik, 1, which.max)
# Output
strategy <- list(akg = akg, cvg_lim = cvg_lim)
parameters <- list(alpha = alpha_c, pi = pi_c, rho = rho_c, mu_i = mu_i, nu_j = nu_j, a = a0)
info <- list(s_ik = s_ik, t_jg = t_jg, exp_logutilde = qu_param$exp_logutilde, exp_utilde = qu_param$exp_utilde,
lb = lb, ent_ZW = lb_out$ent_ZW, nbiter = j, lbtt = lbtt, a_tilde = qu_param$a_tilde, b_tilde = qu_param$b_tilde)
output <- list(data = x, K = K, G = G, classification = list(rowclass = rowclass, colclass = colclass),
strategy = strategy, parameters = parameters, info = info)
class(output) <- append(class(output),"cobiclustering")
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# cobiclust R package
# Copyright INRA 2017
# UMR MIA-Paris, AgroParisTech, INRA, Universite Paris-Saclay, 75005, Paris, France
#' Creation of the cobiclustering class.
#' @export cobiclustering
#' @keywords internal

cobiclustering <- function(data = matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3, NA), K = 2, G = 2, classification = list(length=2), strategy = list(), parameters = list(), info = list())

object <- list(
data = "matrix",
K = "numeric",
G = "numeric",
classification = "list",
strategy = "list",
parameters = "list",
info = "list"
## Set the name for the class
class(object) <- "cobiclustering"

#' Is an object of class cobiclustering ?
#' @param object an object of class cobiclustering.
#' @export is.cobiclustering
#' @keywords internal
is.cobiclustering <- function(object) {
return(class(object) == "cobiclustering")

#' Summary of an object of class Cobiclust
#' @param object an object of class cobiclustering.
#' @param ... ignored
#' @keywords internal
#' @method summary cobiclustering
#' @export
summary.cobiclustering <- function (object, ...){
cat("Number of biclusters: K = ", object$K, "* G = ", object$G,"\n")
cat("Row proportions:", round(object$parameters$pi, 3) ,"\n")
cat("Column proportions:", round(object$parameters$rho, 3) ,"\n")
cat("Matrix of alpha_kg interactions terms: \n")
print(matrix(nrow = object$K, ncol = object$G, round(object$parameters$alpha, 3)))
cat("Frequencies of MAP classification \n")
cat(" \n")

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