Jack of all trades, A Faas(function as a service) framework, to custom a plugin by adding a javascript snippet, to activate the snippet by killing pid with signal hangup(kill -HUP $pid
) instead of further compiling.
Currently support:
- env
- log
- http
- kafka
git clone https://github.com/jumboframes/tigerbalm
./tigerbalm -f ./tigerbalm.yaml
var http = require("http")
var log = require("log")
var env = require("env")
function register() {
var route = new Object();
route.match = new Object();
route.match.path = "/foo";
route.match.method = "GET";
route.handler = httpHandler;
var registration = Object();
registration.route = route;
return registration
function httpHandler(request) {
log.Debugf("incoming request, host: %s, url: %s",
request["Host"], request["Url"])
req = {
"Method": "GET",
"Host": env.Get("GOOGLE"),
"Path": "/bar",
data = http.DoRequest(req)
log.Debugf("do request, host: %s, body: %s", env.Get("GOOGLE"), data["Body"])
return {
"Status": 200,
"Body": "Austin Zhai"
var log = require("log")
var producer = require("producer")
function register() {
registration = {
"consume": {
"match": {
"topic": "austin",
"group": "zhai"
"handler": kafkaHandler,
return registration
function kafkaHandler(msg) {
log.Debugf("incoming message, topic: %s, group: %s",
msg["Topic"], msg["Group"])
msg = {
"Topic": "austin_relay",
"Payload": msg["Payload"],
ret = producer.Produce(msg)
log.Debugf("relay message to topic: %s %v", "austin_relay", ret)