###Android Studio:
- official IDE for Android application development
- based on IntelliJ IDEA
- Android Studio offers:
- flexible Gradle based build system
- build variants and multiple apk file generation
- code templates
- layout editor
- lint tools
- ProGuard & app-signing capabilities
- fupport Google Cloud Platform
- ...
###Debug & Performance ####Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager AVD Manager has screens with links to help select device configurations, screen sizes and resolutions for app previews.
####Memory Monitor monitor app's memory usage to find deallocated objects, locate memory leaks and track the amount of memory the connected device is using.
ADK is a reference implementtation for hardware manufacturers and hobbyists to use as starting point for building accessories for Android.
The NDK is a toolset that allows you to implement parts of your app using native-code languages such as C and C++ ....