One of the most important aspects of DevOps is to deploy a new application version from ci/cd tool ( GitLab, GitHub Actions,...) to target linux servers. As a solution, you can put a private key to the ci/cd tool, then log to the target server by ssh and run the deploy script. BUT! It is very dangerous: your private key can be stolen by cybercriminals on the ci/cd provider side. This tool suggests another approach: the deployer background task is running on the target server and listening to the public port. From the deploy stage of the ci/cd pipeline, you can post an HTTP request in the specified format to this port and the tool will execute the deploy command. No private information should be stored on the ci/cd provider (only deployer address). Even if somebody will have access to your settings on ci/cd provider he can't run custom script on the target server because you control allowed commands
- download binary from releases page
- create configuration file
and place it at folder with executable - run tool
As a suggestion, use the systemd as a manager for the tool. Systemd service file example:
Description=Deployer service.
port: ":7777" # required - listening port
environment: "dev" # required - environment label
tls: # optional - if provided https server is started
cert: ./tls/cert.crt
key: ./tls/cert.key
notification: # optional - notifications config
apiToken: "<...>" # slack api token
channel: "#deployments" # slack channel to send message
components: # list of components for deploy
backend: # component name. Value of "component" query parameter
workdir: /opt/services/app/ # if set - use the workdir
command: [ "./", "--tag={{ .Args.tag }}" ] # required - deploy command
key: "<...>" # optional - random key for additional protection. If not provided - don't check. Value of "key" query parameter
command: [ "/opt/services/app/", "--tag={{ .Args.tag }}" ] # required - deploy command
The command can be any shell script with/without parameters.
In a request to deployer, some additional query parameters can be provided.
They can be injected in command in format {{ .Args.<query_parameter> }}
For example, the tag
query parameter can be used in command by adding {{ .Args.tag }}
to the
desired place.
If you don't need wait for deploy results, you can add async
query param. For example:
curl -X POST -d "component=backend&key=secret&tag=42"
image: curlimages/curl:7.74.0
stage: deploy
dependencies: [ ]
- curl -X POST -d "component=backend&key=${DEPLOYER_KEY}&tag=${CI_PIPELINE_ID}" ${DEPLOYER_HOST}
- DEPLOYER_KEY, DEPLOYER_HOST are taken from ci/cd variables setting
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }}
- name: Deploy
run: curl -k -X POST -d "component=backend&key=${{ secrets.DEPLOYER_KEY }}&tag=${{ tag }}" ${{ secrets.DEPLOYER_HOST }}
- DEPLOYER_KEY, DEPLOYER_HOST are taken from github secrets