Scripts used for processing of metagenomic data on CDRF project
- Functional_Annotation --> FOAM_Hmms, ghostKOALA, HMMER and Prokka
- Identifying_Nitrogen_Fixers --> Custom python scripts to extract information out of tables from database.
- Sequence_QC_KneadData --> Shell scripts to run kneaddata for QC of metagenomic reads.
- Taxonomy_Kaiju --> Shell scripts to run Kaiju for taxanomic assignments.
- Anvio_Workflow --> Scripts for constructing anvio database of contigs and their taxonomy and functional annotation.
- Assembly --> Shell scripts for digital normalization and assembly of reads.
- Assembly by Farm --> Assembly by groups.
- is a python script that loops through tblout output files from hmmscan (of nitrogen genes) in a directory and converts an output file of counts of all genes with a high at a certain E-value.
- is a python script that loops through tblout output files from hmmscan (Resfam databasae) in a directory and converts an output file of counts of all genes with a high at a certain E-value.