An Elixir websocket-based SQL connector for Exasol
Allows Elixir programs to connect to Exasol ( using its WebSocket API and issue queries.
_NOTE: Project is being adapted for Exasol; currently there is no _
Based on CirroConnect (Copyright Cirro Inc, 2018).
Add the following to mix.exs
to include it in your project:
def deps do
{:exasol, ">= 0.1.0"},
Here, and in all subsequent examples,
refers to your Exasol installation's exposed websocket address.
The ws:// protocol is currently active as the default. wss:// support will become the default in an upcoming release.
To connect to Exasol, use connect()
or connect!()
# return connection status
{:ok, {#PID<0.209.0>, "347456094e6885c5-6a83-48e0-a0d7-f08326c720af2141803887"}}
# return connection for use in other Exasol calls
{#PID<0.218.0>, "1289850004088516e1-0f84-4e00-9988-691a4ffc22852010714971"}
You can determine if your connection is currently active using the is_connected()
"SELECT * FROM public.person"
|> Exasol.query(conn)
%{"complete" => true, "count" => 3, "end" => 1513853929898, "error" => false,
"meta" => [%{"name" => "id", "type" => "INTEGER"},
%{"name" => "name", "type" => "VARCHAR"},
%{"name" => "age", "type" => "INTEGER"}],
"rows" => [["1", "Foople Smith", "23"], ["3", "Procras Tinatus", "54"],
["2", "オーマー・マズリ", "54"]], "start" => 1513853929747,
"task" => %{"authtoken" => "21364823203979e007-c7af-4518-a396-fe5fb827c81b374209238",
"cancelled" => false, "command" => "query", "id" => "675",
"options" => %{},
"statement" => "SELECT * FROM public.person"}}}
"SELECT * FROM public.person"
|> Exasol.query(conn)
|> Exasol.table()
[["id", "name", "age"],
["1", "Foople Smith", "23"],["3", "Procras Tinatus", "54"],["2", "オーマー・マズリ", "54"]]
"SELECT * FROM public.person"
|> Exasol.query(conn)
|> Exasol.rows()
[["1", "Foople Smith", "23"],["3", "Procras Tinatus", "54"],["2", "オーマー・マズリ", "54"]]
"SELECT * FROM public.person"
|> Exasol.query(conn)
[%{age: "23", id: "1", name: "Foople Smith"},
%{age: "54", id: "3", name: "Procras Tinatus"},
%{age: "54", id: "2", name: "オーマー・マズリ"}]
The results should contain the count of the number of affected rows.
"DELETE FROM public.personcopy"
|> Exasol.exec(conn)
%{"complete" => true, "count" => 2, "end" => 1513855015278, "error" => false,
"meta" => [], "rows" => [], "start" => 1513855015101,
"task" => %{"authtoken" => "82424824185de34cd-1eb7-492e-9de5-75315a97e6372099360753",
"cancelled" => false, "command" => "execute", "id" => "676",
"options" => %{},
"statement" => "DELETE FROM public.personcopy"}}}
Queries are run on arbitrary connections maintained by a server-side connection pool. To run several commands on a specific connection using multiple calls, you must give it a name
# execute a query on a named connection
"SELECT * FROM public.person"
|> Exasol.query(conn,%{name: "my_specific_connection"})
# the following is guaranteed to execute on the same internal connection as the above statement
"SELECT * FROM public.person"
|> Exasol.query(conn,%{name: "my_specific_connection"})
You should explicitly close a named connection. However, it will be automatically cleaned up after 60 seconds of inactivity.
Exasol.close(conn,%{name: "my_specific_connection"})
It is possible to fetch a limited number of rows per call.
This currently involves making an initial query with an optional fetchsize value. This returns up to fetchsize rows.
The value of complete is false if there are more rows to retrieve. These can be fetched by calling next() with
the id from the original result's task.
If you don't require further results, you can cancel the query with Exasol.cancel(conn,id)
using the same id.
This calling convention will hopefully be made easier to handle when wrapped in a stream (TODO).
"SELECT * FROM public.person"
|> Exasol.query(conn,%{fetchsize: 2})
%{"complete" => false, "count" => 3, "end" => 1513858116713, "error" => false,
"meta" => [%{"name" => "id", "type" => "INTEGER"},
%{"name" => "name", "type" => "VARCHAR"},
%{"name" => "age", "type" => "INTEGER"}],
"rows" => [["1", "Foople Smith", "23"], ["3", "Procras Tinatus", "54"]],
"start" => 1513858116158,
"task" => %{"authtoken" => "262905974c2922bf5-f28e-4c35-a2bf-a97fe93075d22088770177",
"cancelled" => false, "command" => "query", "id" => "669",
"options" => %{"fetchsize" => "2"},
"statement" => "SELECT * FROM public.person"}}},"669")
%{"complete" => true, "count" => 0, "end" => 1513858125766, "error" => false,
"meta" => [%{"name" => "id", "type" => "INTEGER"},
%{"name" => "name", "type" => "VARCHAR"},
%{"name" => "age", "type" => "INTEGER"}],
"rows" => [["2", "オーマー・マズリ", "54"]],
"start" => 1513858116158,
"task" => %{"authtoken" => "262905974c2922bf5-f28e-4c35-a2bf-a97fe93075d22088770177",
"cancelled" => false, "command" => "query", "id" => "669",
"options" => %{"fetchsize" => "2"},
"statement" => "SELECT * FROM public.person"}}}
# don't issue another next here, or the call will block
You can run multiple statements in the one request.
The results of SELECTS are concatenated unless the multi
option is true
in which case the results will be sent back in response to calls to next()
The default delimiter is \;
but can be overriden using the delimiter
"SELECT * FROM public.person ; SELECT * FROM public.person"
|> Exasol.query(conn,%{delimiter: ";"})
# speed up UNION ALL queries
"SELECT * FROM public.person UNION ALL SELECT * FROM public.person"
|> Exasol.query(conn,%{delimiter: "UNION ALL"})
It is possible to get list of the current Exasol connections your websocket connection is using
[["*", "",
"Tue Jan 02 16:06:42 UTC 2018", "2979", "Idle"]]
You can get a list of the current tasks you have initiated that have not yet completed
To listen to Exasol monitoring events, bind a process or function via the monitor
A process will then receive {:exasol_monitor, event}
messages, whereas a function will just be called with these messages.
The event_type and session_id can be filtered using the optional options.
Exasol.watch_events is provided as an example.
Exasol.connect!("","exasol_user","password") |>
Exasol.monitor(%{event_type: "query"}, &Exasol.dump_message/1)
To close all of your connections, and disconnect your connection to Exasol
By default, responses from Exasol are received by the current process. Therefore each call will usually block until the results are returned. You can provide custom recipient function or process to handle incoming messages. Processes will receive messages, whereas functions will be supplied the message as an argument. The process or function argument is an optional parameter after the options parameter.
Some examples
# Function example
Exasol.query("SELECT * FROM EXA_ALL_ROLES",conn,%{delimiter: ";"},&MyThing.handle_results/1)
# Process example
Exasol.query("SELECT * FROM EXA_ALL_ROLES",conn,%{delimiter: ";"},pid)
The default process message handler looks like this:
def await_results() do
receive do
{:exasol_connect, %{"error" => true, "message" => error_message}} -> {:error, error_message}
{:exasol_connect, %{"cancelled" => true, "message" => error_message}} -> {:error, error_message}
{:exasol_connect, %{"error" => false} = response} -> {:ok, response}
{:exasol_monitor, event} -> {:ok, event}
{:error, error} -> {:error, error}
{:error} -> {:error, "Unknown error"}
Start a Docker instance of Exasol:
docker run --detach --privileged --stop-timeout 120 -p exasol/docker-db:latest
..then run tests:
mix test