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vgo is a tool for optimizing and converting between vector artwork representations.

vgo is built on vgo-core, a library and intermediate representation for vector graphics.

Build Status Maven Central: vgo Maven Central: vgo-core Maven Central: vgo-plugin



brew install jzbrooks/repo/vgo


Download the distribution from the releases page and ensure it has execute permission. On macOS & Linux run chmod u+x vgo.

vgo requires Java 17.

Gradle Plugin

The plugin adds the shrinkVectorArtwork task to your project.

To incorporate the plugin in your build, configure maven central plugin resolution:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {

Then, in the relevant project, add the plugin.


You must have the android tools sdk on your build classpath if you are converting SVGs to vector drawables. This is typically done by applying the Android Gradle Plugin.

plugins {
    id 'com.jzbrooks.vgo'

// Default configuration shown
vgo {
    inputs = fileTree(projectDir) {
        include '**/res/drawable*/*.xml'
    outputs = inputs
    showStatistics = true
    format = OutputFormat.UNCHANGED
    indent = 0


For Android projects a non-zero indent is better for readability and provides no apk size impact after AAPT processing.

Command Line Interface

> vgo [options] [file/directory]

  -h --help       print this message
  -o --output     file or directory, if not provided the input will be overwritten
  -s --stats      print statistics on processed files to standard out
  -v --version    print the version number
  --indent [value]  write files with value columns of indentation
  --format [value]  output format (svg, vd, etc) - ALPHA

java -jar vgo for Windows


# Optimize files specified from standard in
> find ./**/ic_*.xml | vgo

# Optimize vector.xml and overwrite its contents
> vgo vector.xml

# Optimize vector.xml and write the result into new_vector.xml
> vgo vector.xml -o new_vector.xml

# Optimize multiple input sources write results to the
> vgo vector.xml -o new_vector.xml ./assets -o ./new_assets

Build instructions

This project uses the Gradle build system.

To build the binary: ./gradlew binary

To run the tests: ./gradlew check

To see all available tasks: ./gradlew tasks