Aerospike Prometheus exporter
This follows the logic from asgraphite. Run a asprom
collector against every node in the aerospike cluster.
Statistics collected:
- aerospike_node_*: node wide statistics. e.g. memory usage, cluster state.
- aerospike_ns_*: per namespace. e.g. objects, migrations.
- aerospike_sets_*: statistics per set: objects, memory usage
- aerospike_latency_*: read/write/etc latency rates(!), per namespace
- aerospike_ops_*: read/write/etc ops per second, per namespace
The releases page has binaries.
- install the Go compiler
- run
- copy the
binary to where you need it
It's also easy to crosscompile with Go. You can build asprom for Linux on a Mac with: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
and then copy the asprom
binary over to your Linux machines.