This project is intended to automatically generate an overview over the active tokens living on your hashicorp vault. The generated overview has a pdf format and is sent to a slack channel that you can configure through environment variables.
This application is supposed to run as a container in a pod on kubernetes. The pod should have a k8s service account that is mounted to it. That service account should be able to connect to hashicorp vault and authenticate with a vault kubernetes backend module.
The environment variable you would need for this to run are:
- VAULT_ADDR #Hashicorp-vault-server address
- $KUBERNETES_AUTH_ROLE #The vault's kubernetes backend auth to allow the vault-reporter pod to connect to vault
- $KUBERNETES_AUTH_MOUNTPOINT #The vault's kubernetes backend mountpoint
- SLACK_CHANNEL #slack channel to submit the pdf to
- SLACK_MONITORING_CHANNEL #Alerts when there is one at least a root token
token posessing vault policies containing "developer", "admin" or root will be shown with a specific style/font