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Kaltura Player iOS Samples

In case of a Basic Player, include pod 'KalturaPlayer' in your Podfile.
In case of an OTT Player, include pod 'KalturaPlayer/OTT' in your Podfile.
In case of an OVP Player, include pod 'KalturaPlayer/OVP' in your Podfile.

To use Cocoapods please refer to Cocoapods Guides.

Follow the steps for the required player:

Additional Actions:



Basic Player

1. Setup the KalturaBasicPlayer

In the AppDelegate call setup on the KalturaBasicPlayer when the app launches.

For Example:

import KalturaPlayer

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    return true

The setup will register any of Kaltura's known Plugins if they are added to the project.

2. Create a KalturaBasicPlayer

import KalturaPlayer

var kalturaBasicPlayer: KalturaBasicPlayer! // Created in the viewDidLoad

override func viewDidLoad() {
	let playerOptions = PlayerOptions()
	kalturaBasicPlayer = KalturaBasicPlayer(options: playerOptions)

Check the PlayerOptions class for more info.
The available options and defaults that can be configured are:

public var preload: Bool = true
public var autoPlay: Bool = true
public var pluginConfig: PluginConfig = PluginConfig(config: [:])

3. Pass the view to the KalturaBasicPlayer

Create a KalturaPlayerView in the xib or in the code.

@IBOutlet weak var kalturaPlayerView: KalturaPlayerView!

kalturaBasicPlayer.view = kalturaPlayerView

4. Set the Media Entry

There are two available options:

  1. Create a PKMediaEntry and pass it to the KalturaBasicPlayer.

    let contentURL = URL(string: "")
    let entryId = "KalturaMedia"
    let source = PKMediaSource(entryId, contentUrl: contentURL, mediaFormat: .hls)
    let sources: Array = [source]
    let mediaEntry = PKMediaEntry(entryId, sources: sources, duration: -1)
  2. Use the setupMediaEntry function.

    let contentUrl = URL(string:"")
    kalturaBasicPlayer.setupMediaEntry(id: "sintel", contentUrl: contentUrl)

    Check the function for more available params.

Note: If you want to add a start time for the media, both functions accept a parameter of type MediaOptions which has a startTime property which can be set. See MediaOptions for more information.

5. Set collection of PKMediaEntry to Basic Player

  1. Create a collection of PKMediaEntry:
var mediaEntries: [PKMediaEntry] = []

How to create an individual PKMediaEntry see section 4. Set the Media Entry

  1. Populate mediaEntries collection with created medias

  2. Create PKPlaylist with this collection and set this playlist to the player

let playlist: PKPlaylist = PKPlaylist(id: nil,
                                      name: "Basic Playlist",
                                      thumbnailUrl: nil,
                                      medias: mediaEntries)


// Once all set you can handle playlist here
  1. Now you have access to player.playlistController. Please check the example of Handeling Playlist Controller

OTT Player

The OTT Player has the Kava Plugin and Phoenix Analytics Plugin embedded, therefore no additional configuration for those plugins are required.

1. Setup the KalturaOTTPlayer

In the AppDelegate call setup on the KalturaOTTPlayer when the app launches.

For Example:

import KalturaPlayer

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    KalturaOTTPlayer.setup(partnerId: 3009, serverURL: "", referrer: nil)
    return true

The setup will fetch for the configuration needed for the Kava Plugin. As well as register both Kava Plugin and Phoenix Analytics Plugin.

2. Create a KalturaOTTPlayer

import KalturaPlayer

var kalturaOTTPlayer: KalturaOTTPlayer! // Created in the viewDidLoad

override func viewDidLoad() {
	let playerOptions = PlayerOptions()
	kalturaOTTPlayer = KalturaOTTPlayer(options: playerOptions)

Check the PlayerOptions class for more info.
The available options and defaults that can be configured are:

public var preload: Bool = true
public var autoPlay: Bool = true
public var pluginConfig: PluginConfig = PluginConfig(config: [:])
public var ks: String?

3. Pass the view to the KalturaOTTPlayer

Create a KalturaPlayerView in the xib or in the code.

@IBOutlet weak var kalturaPlayerView: KalturaPlayerView!

kalturaOTTPlayer.view = kalturaPlayerView

4. Create the OTTMediaOptions

This is the media details that will be passed to the player to load.

let ottMediaOptions = OTTMediaOptions()

Check the OTTMediaOptions class for more info.
The available options that can be configured are the following:

public var ks: String?
public var assetId: String?
public var assetType: AssetType = .unset
public var assetReferenceType: AssetReferenceType = .unset
public var formats: [String]?
public var fileIds: [String]?
public var playbackContextType: PlaybackContextType = .unset
public var networkProtocol: String?
public var urlType: String?
public var streamerType: String?
public var adapterData: [String: String]?

// MediaOptions
public var startTime: TimeInterval = .nan

5. Load the OTT Media

Pass the created media options to the loadMedia function and implement the callback function in order to observe if an error has occurred.

For example:

kalturaOTTPlayer.loadMedia(options: mediaOptions) { [weak self] (error) in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    if let error = error {
        let message = error.localizedDescription

        let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Media not loaded", message: message, preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert)
        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .cancel, handler: { (alert) in
            self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
        self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
    } else {
        // If the autoPlay and preload was set to false, prepare will not be called automatically
        if videoData.player.autoPlay == false && videoData.player.preload == false {

6. Load OTT Playlist

  1. Prepare a collection of OTTMediaOptions
var mediaOptions: [OTTMediaOptions] = []

mediaOptions.append(OTTMediaOptions().set(assetId: "111111").set(assetReferenceType: .media).set(networkProtocol: "http"))
mediaOptions.append(OTTMediaOptions().set(assetId: "222222").set(assetReferenceType: .media).set(networkProtocol: "http"))
mediaOptions.append(OTTMediaOptions().set(assetId: "333333").set(assetReferenceType: .media).set(networkProtocol: "http"))
  1. Pass this collection to the player loadPlaylist method:
player.loadPlaylist(options: mediaOptions, callback: { [weak self] error in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    if let error = error {
        print("Loading playlist error: " + error.localizedDescription)
    // Handle loaded playlist here
  1. Now you have access to player.playlistController. Please check the example of Handeling Playlist Controller

OVP Player

The OVP Player has the Kava Plugin embedded, therefore no additional configuration for the plugin is required.

1. Setup the KalturaOVPPlayer

In the AppDelegate call setup on the KalturaOVPPlayer when the app launches.

For Example:

import KalturaPlayer

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    KalturaOVPPlayer.setup(partnerId: 2222401)
    return true

The setup will fetch for the configuration needed for the Kava Plugin. As well as register the Kava Plugin.

2. Create a KalturaOVPPlayer

import KalturaPlayer

var kalturaOVPPlayer: KalturaOVPPlayer! // Created in the viewDidLoad

override func viewDidLoad() {
	let playerOptions = PlayerOptions()
	kalturaOVPPlayer = KalturaOVPPlayer(options: playerOptions)

Check the PlayerOptions class for more info.
The available options and defaults that can be configured are:

public var preload: Bool = true
public var autoPlay: Bool = true
public var pluginConfig: PluginConfig = PluginConfig(config: [:])
public var ks: String?

3. Pass the view to the KalturaOVPPlayer

Create a KalturaPlayerView in the xib or in the code.

@IBOutlet weak var kalturaPlayerView: KalturaPlayerView!

kalturaOVPPlayer.view = kalturaPlayerView

4. Create the OVPMediaOptions

This is the media details that will be passed to the player to load.

let ovpMediaOptions = OVPMediaOptions()

Check the OVPMediaOptions class for more info.
The available options that can be configured are the following:

public var ks: String?
public var entryId: String?
public var referenceId: String?
public var uiconfId: NSNumber?

// MediaOptions
public var startTime: TimeInterval = .nan

5. Load the OVP Media

Pass the created media options to the loadMedia function and implement the callback function in order to observe if an error has occurred.

For example:

kalturaOVPPlayer.loadMedia(options: mediaOptions) { [weak self] (error) in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    if let error = error {
        let message = error.localizedDescription
        let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Media not loaded", message: message, preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert)
        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .cancel, handler: { (alert) in
            self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
        self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
    } else {
        // If the autoPlay and preload was set to false, prepare will not be called automatically
        if videoData.player.autoPlay == false && videoData.player.preload == false {

6. Load OVP Playlist

  1. Prepare a collection of OVPMediaOptions
var mediaOptions: [OVPMediaOptions] = []

mediaOptions.append(OVPMediaOptions().set(entryId: "0_aaaa1111"))
mediaOptions.append(OVPMediaOptions().set(entryId: "0_aaaa2222"))
mediaOptions.append(OVPMediaOptions().set(entryId: "0_aaaa3333"))
mediaOptions.append(OVPMediaOptions().set(entryId: "0_aaaa4444"))
mediaOptions.append(OVPMediaOptions().set(entryId: "0_aaaa5555"))
mediaOptions.append(OVPMediaOptions().set(entryId: "0_aaaa6666"))
  1. Pass this collection to the player loadPlaylist method:
player.loadPlaylist(options: mediaOptions, callback: { [weak self] error in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    if let error = error {
        print("Loading playlist error: " + error.localizedDescription)
    // Handle loaded playlist here
  1. Now you have access to player.playlistController. Please check the example of Handeling Playlist Controller

7. Load OVP Playlist by playlist id

  1. Prepare OVPPlaylistOptions and set playlist id:
let playlistOptions = OVPPlaylistOptions()
playlistOptions.playlistId = "0_abcd12345"
  1. Call loadPlaylistById method in player and pass options:
player.loadPlaylistById(options: playlistOptions) { [weak self] (error) in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    if let error = error {
        print("Loading playlist error: " + error.localizedDescription)
    // Handle loaded playlist here
  1. Now you have access to player.playlistController. Please check the example of Handeling Playlist Controller

Register for Player Events

NOTE: In order to receive the events from the beginning, register to them before calling setMedia in the BasicPlayer or calling loadMedia in the OTTPlayer or OVPPlayer. In case the player option is set to not auto prepare, registering can be done before calling prepare on the player.

An example for the playback events in order to updated the UI on the button:

kalturaPlayer.addObserver(self, events: [KPPlayerEvent.ended,, KPPlayerEvent.playing, KPPlayerEvent.pause]) { [weak self] event in
	guard let self = self else { return }
	DispatchQueue.main.async {
	    switch event {
	    case is KPPlayerEvent.Ended:
	        self.playPauseButton.displayState = .replay
	    case is KPPlayerEvent.Play:
	        self.playPauseButton.displayState = .pause
	    case is KPPlayerEvent.Playing:
	        self.playPauseButton.displayState = .pause
	    case is KPPlayerEvent.Pause:
	        self.playPauseButton.displayState = .play

An example to update the progress:

kalturaPlayer.addObserver(self, events: [KPPlayerEvent.playheadUpdate]) { [weak self] event in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    guard let currentTimeNumber = event.currentTime else { return }
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        self.mediaProgressSlider.value = Float(currentTimeNumber.doubleValue / self.kalturaPlayer.duration)

NOTE: Don't forget to perform UI changes on the main thread.
And don't forget to unregister when the view is not displayed.

All available Player events:

  • canPlay
  • durationChanged
  • stopped
  • ended
  • loadedMetadata
  • play
  • pause
  • playing
  • seeking
  • seeked
  • replay
  • tracksAvailable
  • textTrackChanged
  • audioTrackChanged
  • videoTrackChanged
  • playbackInfo
  • stateChanged
  • timedMetadata
  • sourceSelected
  • loadedTimeRanges
  • playheadUpdate
  • error
  • errorLog
  • playbackStalled

Prepare the Player

This will be done automatically if the player options, autoPlay or preload is set to true. Which those are the default values.

In case the autoPlay and preload are set to false, prepare on the player needs to be called manually.



This will be done automatically if the player options, autoPlay is set to true. Which is the default value.

In case the autoPlay is set to false, play on the player needs to be called manually.

Play on the player can be called straight after prepare, once it's ready and can play, the playback will start automatically.
Registering to the player event CanPlay will enable you to know exactly when the play can be performed in case you need it controlled.

Change Media

When a change media is needed call stop on the player and call updatePlayerOptions on the relevant KalturaPlayer with the new/updated PlayerOptions.


After that follow the steps:


Adds the option to download and play local media. The OfflineManager shared instance is used in order to perform all actions.

1. Update the KalturaPlayer Pod

Inside your Podfile, for the specific target, add the following:

  • For the KalturaBasicPlayer:

     pod 'KalturaPlayer/Offline'

    This can replace the pod 'KalturaPlayer'

  • For the KalturaOTTPlayer:

     pod 'KalturaPlayer/Offline_OTT'

    This can replace the pod 'KalturaPlayer/OTT'

  • For the KalturaOVPPlayer:

     pod 'KalturaPlayer/Offline_OVP'

    This can replace the pod 'KalturaPlayer/OVP'

Then perform pod update in the terminal.
See Cocoapods Guide for the difference between pod install and pod update.

Add the KalturaPlayer to the relevant file if it doesn't already exist.

import KalturaPlayer

NOTE: The setup function on the KalturaPlayer which is called in the AppDelegate, will perform the needed initialization, and will start any media that was downloading before the application was closed.

2. Implement the OfflineManagerDelegate

In the desired class that will take care of the download updates, set it as the OfflineManager's delegate.

Add the following:

OfflineManager.shared.offlineManagerDelegate = self

Note: Don't forget to remove itself.

OfflineManager.shared.offlineManagerDelegate = nil

Set the class to implement it's functions:

extension MediasTableViewController: OfflineManagerDelegate {

    func item(id: String, didDownloadData totalBytesDownloaded: Int64, totalBytesEstimated: Int64, completedFraction: Float) {
        if let index = self.videos.firstIndex(where: { $ == id }) {
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                guard let cell = self.tableView.cellForRow(at: IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)) as? DownloadMediaTableViewCell else { return }
    func item(id: String, didChangeToState newState: AssetDownloadState, error: Error?) {
        if let index = self.videos.firstIndex(where: { $ == id }) {
            if newState == .completed {
                // Download is completed, do something.
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                guard let cell = self.tableView.cellForRow(at: IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)) as? DownloadMediaTableViewCell else { return }

3. Check for the media state

In order to update the view once shown with the relevant data regarding the download process, call the getAssetInfo function. The AssetInfo will include the required data in order to update the UI.

let assetInfo = OfflineManager.shared.getAssetInfo(assetId: assetId)

The AssetInfo object includes the following:

public var itemId: String               // The asset's id.
public var state: AssetDownloadState    // The asset's state. See `AssetDownloadState` for more info.
public var estimatedSize: Int64         // The asset's estimated size.
public var downloadedSize: Int64        // The asset's downloaded size.
public var progress: Float              // The asset's progress. A value between 0 and 1.

The AssetDownloadState represents the asset's download state.

Available Values:

  • new
  • prepared
  • started
  • paused
  • completed
  • failed
  • outOfSpace

4. Prepare a media for download

In order to start downloading a media, a call to prepareAsset is required.

  • Create an OfflineSelectionOptions.

    For example:

     let offlineSelectionOptions = OfflineSelectionOptions()
         .setMinVideoBitrate(.avc1, 3_000_000)
         .setMinVideoBitrate(.hevc, 5_000_000)
         .setPreferredVideoCodecs([.hevc, .avc1])
         .setPreferredAudioCodecs([.ac3, .mp4a])

For a PKMediaEntry download the prepareAsset function requires two parameters: PKMediaEntry and OfflineSelectionOptions.

  • Create a PKMediaEntry

     let contentURL = URL(string: "")
     let entryId = "KalturaMedia"
     let source = PKMediaSource(entryId, contentUrl: contentURL, mediaFormat: .hls)
     let sources: Array = [source]
     let pkMediaEntry = PKMediaEntry(entryId, sources: sources, duration: -1)
  • Call the prepareAsset function

     OfflineManager.shared.prepareAsset(mediaEntry: pkMediaEntry, options: offlineSelectionOptions) { (error, assetInfo) in
         // In case an assetInfo was returned and there is no error, 
         // a call to start the download can be performed.

For an OTT Media download there is an additional function for the prepareAsset that requires the following two parameters: OTTMediaOptions and OfflineSelectionOptions.

  • Create the OTTMediaOptions, follow the Create the OTTMediaOptions section.

  • Call the prepareAsset function

     OfflineManager.shared.prepareAsset(mediaOptions: ottMediaOptions,
                                        options: offlineSelectionOptions) { (error, assetInfo, pkMediaEntry)  in
         // In case an assetInfo was returned and there is no error, 
         // a call to start the download can be performed.

For an OVP Media download there is an additional function for the prepareAsset that requires the following two parameters: OVPMediaOptions and OfflineSelectionOptions.

  • Create the OVPMediaOptions, follow the Create the OVPMediaOptions section.

  • Call the prepareAsset function

     OfflineManager.shared.prepareAsset(mediaOptions: ovpMediaOptions,
                                        options: offlineSelectionOptions) { (error, assetInfo, pkMediaEntry)  in
         // In case an assetInfo was returned and there is no error, 
         // a call to start the download can be performed.

5. Start or resume downloading the media

In order to start downloading the asset call startAssetDownload:

try? OfflineManager.shared.startAssetDownload(assetId: id)

An error can be thrown, see the documentation for more information.

6. Pause downloading the media

In order to pause downloading the asset call pauseAssetDownload:

try? OfflineManager.shared.pauseAssetDownload(assetId: id)

An error can be thrown, see the documentation for more information.

7. Remove the asset

In order to remove the downloaded asset with all it’s data, call removeAssetDownload:

try? OfflineManager.shared.removeAssetDownload(assetId: id)

An error can be thrown, see the documentation for more information.

8. Get the local media and set it on the player

In order to retrieve the local media, call getLocalPlaybackEntry, if the PKMediaEntry was retrieved call setMedia on the relevant KalturaPlayer.

if let localMediaEntry = OfflineManager.shared.getLocalPlaybackEntry(assetId: {
    kalturaPlayer.setMedia(localMediaEntry, options: mediaOptions)

The player can now be used as usual.

9. DRM Content

For DRM content, additional actions are need.

  • Get the DRM Status. See the DRMStatus for more information.
  • Renew the asset DRM license.

In order to get the DRM status of the asset, call getDRMStatus:

let drmStatus = OfflineManager.shared.getDRMStatus(assetId: id)

A call to isValid, on the drmStatus, can determine if the license is still valid and the media can be played, otherwise a call to renewAssetDRMLicense is needed.

if drmStatus.isValid() == false {
    // Renewal is needed.

In order to renew the license, a call to renewAssetDRMLicense is needed.

OfflineManager.shared.renewAssetDRMLicense(mediaEntry: pkMediaEntry) { (error) in
    // Decide what to do with the error depending on the error.

For OTT there is an additional function that requires the OTTMediaOptions.

OfflineManager.shared.renewAssetDRMLicense(mediaOptions: ottMediaOptions) { (error) in
    // Decide what to do with the error depending on the error.

For OVP there is an additional function that requires the OVPMediaOptions.

OfflineManager.shared.renewAssetDRMLicense(mediaOptions: ovpMediaOptions) { (error) in
    // Decide what to do with the error depending on the error.

IMA Plugin

Add Google's IMA (Interactive Media Ads) or IMA DAI (Dynamic Ad Insertion)

1. Add the IMA Pod

Inside your Podfile, for the specific target, add the following:

pod 'PlayKit_IMA'

Then perform pod update or pod update PlayKit_IMA in the terminal.
See Cocoapods Guide for the difference between pod install and pod update.

Add the PlayKit_IMA to the relevant file.

import PlayKit_IMA

2. Create the IMAConfig or IMADAIConfig

  • For IMA:
    Create the IMAConfig and set the adTagUrl or the adsResponse.
    Refer to the IMAConfig class for all available settings.

     let imaConfig = IMAConfig()
     imaConfig.adTagUrl = ""
  • For IMA DAI:

    Set the required configuration.
    Refer to the IMADAIConfig class for all available settings.
    The IMA DAI stream samples can be found in their docs.

    Sample for a VOD media:

     let imaDAIConfig = IMADAIConfig()
     imaDAIConfig.assetTitle = "Tears of Steel"
     imaDAIConfig.assetKey = nil
     imaDAIConfig.contentSourceId = "2528370"
     imaDAIConfig.videoId = "tears-of-steel"
     imaDAIConfig.streamType = .vod

    Sample for a Live media:

     let imaDAIConfig = IMADAIConfig()
     imaDAIConfig.assetTitle = "Big Buck Bunny"
     imaDAIConfig.assetKey = "sN_IYUG8STe1ZzhIIE_ksA"
     imaDAIConfig.contentSourceId = nil
     imaDAIConfig.videoId = nil
     imaDAIConfig.streamType = .live

3. Create the PluginConfig

Pass the created config to the PluginConfig

  • For IMA:

     let pluginConfig = PluginConfig(config: [IMAPlugin.pluginName : imaConfig])
  • For IMA DAI:

     let pluginConfig = PluginConfig(config: [IMADAIPlugin.pluginName : imaDAIConfig])

4. Pass the PluginConfig to the PlayerOptions

Set the player options with the plugin config created.

playerOptions.pluginConfig = pluginConfig

Two options to consider:

5. Register to the ad events

In order to receive the events from the beginning, register to them before prepare is performed on the player.

private func registerAdEvents() {
    kalturaPlayer.addObserver(self, events: [KPAdEvent.adLoaded, KPAdEvent.adPaused, KPAdEvent.adResumed, KPAdEvent.adStarted, KPAdEvent.adComplete, KPAdEvent.allAdsCompleted]) { [weak self] adEvent in
        guard let self = self else { return }
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            switch adEvent {
            case is KPAdEvent.AdLoaded:
                self.adsLoaded = true
            case is KPAdEvent.AdPaused:
                self.playPauseButton.displayState = .play
            case is KPAdEvent.AdResumed:
                self.playPauseButton.displayState = .pause
            case is KPAdEvent.AdStarted:
                self.playPauseButton.displayState = .pause
                 self.mediaProgressSlider.isEnabled = false
            case is KPAdEvent.AdComplete:
                self.mediaProgressSlider.isEnabled = true
            case is KPAdEvent.AllAdsCompleted:
                self.allAdsCompleted = true
                // In case of a post-roll the media has ended
                if self.mediaEnded {
                    self.playPauseButton.displayState = .replay

NOTE: Don't forget to perform UI changes on the main thread.
And don't forget to unregister when the view is not displayed.

All available Ad events:

  • streamLoaded // DAI
  • streamStarted // DAI
  • adBreakReady
  • adBreakStarted // DAI
  • adBreakEnded // DAI
  • adPeriodStarted // DAI
  • adPeriodEnded // DAI
  • allAdsCompleted
  • adComplete
  • adClicked
  • adFirstQuartile
  • adLoaded
  • adLog
  • adMidpoint
  • adPaused
  • adResumed
  • adSkipped
  • adStarted
  • adTapped
  • adThirdQuartile
  • adDidProgressToTime
  • adDidRequestContentPause /// Ad requested the content to pause (before ad starts playing)
  • adDidRequestContentResume /// Ad requested content resume (when finished playing ads or when error occurs and playback needs to continue)
  • webOpenerEvent
  • adWebOpenerWillOpenExternalBrowser
  • adWebOpenerWillOpenInAppBrowser
  • adWebOpenerDidOpenInAppBrowser
  • adWebOpenerWillCloseInAppBrowser
  • adWebOpenerDidCloseInAppBrowser
  • adCuePointsUpdate
  • adStartedBuffering /// Sent when an ad started buffering
  • adPlaybackReady /// Sent when ad finished buffering and ready for playback
  • requestTimedOut /// Sent when the ads request timed out.
  • adsRequested /// delivered when ads request was sent.
  • error /// Sent when an error occurs.

Youbora Plugin

1. Add the Youbora Pod

Inside your Podfile, for the specific target, add the following:

pod 'PlayKitYoubora'

Then perform pod update or pod update PlayKitYoubora in the terminal.
See Cocoapods Guide for the difference between pod install and pod update.

Add the PlayKitYoubora to the relevant file.

import PlayKitYoubora

2. Create the AnalyticsConfig

The account code is mandatory, make sure to put the correct one.
See all available params in the YouboraConfig struct.

let youboraPluginParams: [String: Any] = [
    "accountCode": "kalturatest"
let analyticsConfig = AnalyticsConfig(params: youboraPluginParams)

3. Create the PluginConfig

Pass the created config to the PluginConfig

let pluginConfig = PluginConfig(config: [YouboraPlugin.pluginName: analyticsConfig])

4. Pass the PluginConfig to the PlayerOptions

Set the player options with the plugin config created.

playerOptions.pluginConfig = pluginConfig

Two options to consider:

Chrome Cast Plugin

NOTE: Currently supporting only OTT and OVP providers.

1. Add the Chrome Cast Pod

Inside your Podfile, for the specific target, add the following:

pod 'PlayKitGoogleCast'

Then perform pod update or pod update PlayKitGoogleCast in the terminal.
See Cocoapods Guide for the difference between pod install and pod update.

Add the PlayKitGoogleCast and the GoogleCast to the relevant file.

import PlayKitGoogleCast
import GoogleCast

2. Setup the Cast

In the AppDelegate, need to set up the Application Id.
Recommended to create a manager in order to control all needed actions and setups, see OTTSample and OVPSample.

Setup for example:

// Set your receiver application ID.
let options = GCKCastOptions(discoveryCriteria: GCKDiscoveryCriteria(applicationID: applicationId))
options.physicalVolumeButtonsWillControlDeviceVolume = true

// Following code enables CastConnect
let launchOptions = GCKLaunchOptions()
launchOptions.androidReceiverCompatible = true
options.launchOptions = launchOptions

GCKCastContext.sharedInstance().useDefaultExpandedMediaControls = true

// Theme the cast button using UIAppearance.
GCKUICastButton.appearance().tintColor = UIColor.gray


GCKCastContext.sharedInstance().imagePicker = self

See Google Chrome Cast code-lab for more information.

3. Add the required settings in the info plist file

<string>${PRODUCT_NAME} uses the bluetooth to discover Cast-enabled devices via the bluetooth.</string>

<string>${PRODUCT_NAME} uses the local network to discover Cast-enabled devices on your WiFi

4. Add the cast button

Add the cast button in the code or the xib.

For example:

castButton = GCKUICastButton(frame: CGRect(x: CGFloat(0),
                                           y: CGFloat(0),
                                           width: CGFloat(24),
                                           height: CGFloat(24)))

castButton.tintColor = UIColor.white
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: castButton)

5. Cast a media

In order to cast a media the GCKMediaInformation needs to be created and passed to the remoteMediaClient to be loaded. PlayKitGoogleCast provides a CAFCastBuilder which can be set with properties from the nedia and the GCKMediaInformation will be generated.

Get the media information object and load it:

gckMediaInformation = try getCAFMediaInformation(from: videoData)

if let mediaInformation = gckMediaInformation {
    self.load(mediaInformation: mediaInformation, appending: false)

Create the media information via the video data:

private func getCAFMediaInformation(from videoData: VideoData) throws -> GCKMediaInformation {
    let castBuilder = CAFCastBuilder()
    castBuilder.set( ...
    let mediaInformation = try
    return mediaInformation

Load the media:

private func load(mediaInformation:GCKMediaInformation, appending: Bool) -> Void {
    guard let remoteMediaClient = GCKCastContext.sharedInstance().sessionManager.currentCastSession?.remoteMediaClient else { return }
    let mediaQueueItemBuilder = GCKMediaQueueItemBuilder()
    mediaQueueItemBuilder.mediaInformation = mediaInformation
    mediaQueueItemBuilder.autoplay = true
    mediaQueueItemBuilder.preloadTime = 0
    let mediaQueueItem =
    if appending {
      let request = remoteMediaClient.queueInsert(mediaQueueItem, beforeItemWithID: kGCKMediaQueueInvalidItemID)
      request.delegate = self
    } else {
      let queueDataBuilder = GCKMediaQueueDataBuilder(queueType: .generic)
      queueDataBuilder.items = [mediaQueueItem]
      queueDataBuilder.repeatMode = remoteMediaClient.mediaStatus?.queueRepeatMode ?? .off

      let mediaLoadRequestDataBuilder = GCKMediaLoadRequestDataBuilder()
      mediaLoadRequestDataBuilder.mediaInformation = mediaInformation
      mediaLoadRequestDataBuilder.queueData =

      let request = remoteMediaClient.loadMedia(with:
      request.delegate = self

Playing Playlists

Register for Playlist Controller Events

It is similar to Register for Player Events.

NOTE: Don't forget to perform UI changes on the main thread.
And don't forget to unregister when the view is not displayed.

All available Playlists Controller events:

  • playlistLoaded
  • playlistStarted
  • playlistEnded
  • playlistCountDownStart
  • playlistCountDownEnd
  • playlistLoopStateChanged
  • playlistAutoContinueStateChanged
  • playlistError
  • playlistLoadMediaError
  • playlistCurrentPlayingItemChanged

Handeling Playlist Controller

if let playlistController = self.player?.playlistController {
    // Configure PlaylistController
    // Set the playlist controller delegate if you need to manage plugins for each item
    // or countdown options for each item.
    playlistController.delegate = self
    // Also you may set some playlist controller options.
    playlistController.preloadTime = 120
    playlistController.loop = true
    // This is good place to handle UI updates that reuire playlist data.
    // Reload your UITableView/UIColloctionView here.
    // If needed start playlist playback.
    // playNext() will start it from the first item.

How to get access for individual playlist items?

Once playlist is loaded in the playlist controller you will have public access to var playlist: PKPlaylist So basically you have to read playlistController.playlist.medias collection.

if let playlist = player?.playlistController?.playlist,
   let item = playlist.medias?[0] {


To provide individual media items dedicated plugin configs or countdown options you have to set PlaylistControllerDelegate.

  1. Plugin config implementation is similar to Create the PluginConfig and Pass the PluginConfig to the PlayerOptions.
    With the one exeption you can provide own config for the requested media at index (check the example code).

  2. Every playlist media may have specific CountdownOptions it will help you build countdown UI in you App if needed.
    With Playlists Controller events playlistCountDownStart and playlistCountDownEnd you can listen for coundown updates.

extension PlaylistViewController: PlaylistControllerDelegate {
    func playlistController(_ controller: PlaylistController, updatePluginConfigForMediaItemAtIndex mediaItemIndex: Int) -> Bool {
        return true
    func playlistController(_ controller: PlaylistController, pluginConfigForMediaItemAtIndex mediaItemIndex: Int) -> PluginConfig? {
        let youboraPluginParams: [String: Any] = [
            "accountCode": "kalturatest",
            "contentCustomDimensions": [
                "contentCustomDimension1": "Playlist ID: \( ?? "empty")",
                "contentCustomDimension2": "Playlist Item #: \(mediaItemIndex)",
                "contentCustomDimension3": "MediaEntry ID: \(controller.playlist.medias?[mediaItemIndex].id ?? "empty")",
        let analyticsConfig = AnalyticsConfig(params: youboraPluginParams)
        let imaConfig = IMAConfig()
        imaConfig.alwaysStartWithPreroll = true
        imaConfig.adTagUrl = "AD_TAG"
        return PluginConfig(config: [IMAPlugin.pluginName: imaConfig,
                                     YouboraPlugin.pluginName: analyticsConfig])
    func playlistController(_ controller: PlaylistController, enableCountdownForMediaItemAtIndex mediaItemIndex: Int) -> Bool {
        return true
    func playlistController(_ controller: PlaylistController, countdownOptionsForMediaItemAtIndex mediaItemIndex: Int) -> CountdownOptions? {
        let countdown = CountdownOptions()
        countdown.timeToShow = 240
        countdown.duration = 20
        return countdown


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