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Moodle Plugin Releases RC1

noychn-kaltura edited this page Apr 17, 2019 · 5 revisions

Moodle Releases

  • Fix the issue in the last 3 dev branches. For example: if Moodle 3.6 is the latest version, then the fix should be merged to MOODLE_36_DEV, MOODLE_35_DEV and MOODLE_34_DEV.

  • For each of the DEV branches:

    • Take the current version from version.php (they should all be synced), both build number and version name.
    • Example:
      $plugin->component = 'local_mymedia';
      $plugin->release = 'Kaltura release 4.1.5';
      $plugin->requires = 2018051700;
      $plugin->maturity = MATURITY_STABLE;
      $plugin->dependencies = array(
          'local_kaltura' => 2019011435
  • Run the following command:

     ./ 2019011435 2019041535 4.1.5 4.2.0


    1st argument - current build version (which corresponds to the local_kaltura dependency).

    2nd argument - new build version (format: YYYYMMDDXX, XX = Moodle version without the dot. In this case, Moodle 3.5)

    3rd argument - current version number

    4th argument - new version number

  • Create release notes for each DEV branch and publish the release (releasing for dev only)

  • Run the following command:


    And attach the created file to the release notes.

  • After QA verification - merge each DEV branch to STABLE.

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