Changes from v4.9.1
Plugin Playkit Support
- FEC-10336 | Upgrade to 6.7.14 + add external adAdapterSupport
- FEC-10491 avoid filling the fast data config with invalid values
This version contains upgrade to Youbora android lib v6.7.14 which has internal fixes for out of memory error.
- New
was added in addition to the current way we configure youbora plugin
this class has 2 members:
private AdAdapter<Object> adAdapter;
private Bundle optBundle;
so App can proivde it's own ads adapter.
- New way to config Youbora Plugin option:
pkPluginConfigs.setPluginConfig(YouboraPlugin.factory.name, getYouboraAdapterConfig())
- Current ways to configure Youbora Plugin:
val youboraConfigJson = getYouboraConfig() pkPluginConfigs.setPluginConfig(YouboraPlugin.factory.name, youboraConfigJson)
pkPluginConfigs.setPluginConfig(YouboraPlugin.factory.name, getYouboraBundle())
So actually unless you have to use your own adAdapter provided by Youbora (NPAW) team nothing is changed from your end.
- implementation 'com.kaltura.playkit:youboraplugin:4.9.2