Experiments with GToolkit for computational documents.
Installation in Pharo 7:
Metacello new
baseline: 'ComputationalDocuments';
repository: 'github://khinsen/computational-documents-with-gtoolkit';
Note that GToolkit is not included as a dependency because of its size. Moreover, the datasets can perfectly well be used without GToolkit, it is "merely" much less pleasant to inspect them.
There is a bug in Pharo 7 (fixed in Pharo 8) that affects some of the date conversions in the example. You can apply the correction by executing the following ocode in a playground:
Year compile: 'firstThursday
"Return the year''s first Thursday.
According to the ISO 8601 definition, the first week starts with the year''s first Thursday (week day number 5)"
^ self start + ((5 - self start dayOfWeek + 7) rem: 7) days'.