Link to the competition
In this repository, I present the main approaches tested during the MVA 2021 RecVis competition. The data set given is a subset of the Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 dataset. It contains a training set, a validation set and a test set of 1087, 103, and 512 images. The goal is to develop the best classification model to predict species of birds among 20 different classes. The dataset can be downloaded here.
I ranked 6th out of 164 participants on the public leaderboard:
I created a new data set containing only croped boxes of detected birds for each image. This can help the classification model focus more on birds and less on non relevant image parts. In order to do this, I used the detectron2 open source code published by FAIR. This package provide multiple pretrained model on the COCO dataset that can perform multiple tasks such as detection or segmentation : [detectron2]( detectron2/blob/main/
For this project, I used an instance segmentation model (Mask R-CNN with ResNeXt-101-32x8d) which provide both bounding boxes and segmentation of detected object with a good box average precision on COCO (44.3). For each image, I croped the highest confident bird box and enlarged it to get a square image. When no bird is detected, the original image is kept and added to the new dataset.
Data Augmentation can greatly improve the accuracy of vision transformers fine-tunned models. I added random Horizontal flip (0.4) and RandAugment to my data set during training.
Finally, I resized the images to shape (384,384,3) so that it could fit pretrained vision transformer models.
Transfer-learning works well for small datasets : using a pretrained model on a huge data set can help get much complex image representations and build more performant models. I first tried to fine tune pretrained ResNet and EfficientNet with linear layers on top but I couldn’t get over 0.77 accuracy score on the public leaderboard.
I finally tried various pretrained vision transformer models from timm library to which I added 3 linear layers whith dropout to limit overfitting. I finally selected the vit base resnet50 384 model. Vision Transformer have recently received a huge interest in the Computer Vision community.
I trained the model for 30 epochs on training set and evaluated it on validation set. I used Adam Optimizer, cross entropy criterion and early stopping (4 patience steps) in order to limit overfitting. The model stoped training after 14 epochs because of EarlyStopping. It reached 0.87 accuracy on the public leaderboard.
- E. D. Cubuk, B. Zoph, J. Shlens, and Q. V. Le. Randaugment: Practical data augmentation with no separate search. CoRR, abs/1909.13719, 2019.
- A. Dosovitskiy, L. Beyer, A. Kolesnikov, D. Weissenborn, X. Zhai, T. Unterthiner, M. Dehghani, M. Minderer, G. Heigold, S. Gelly, J. Uszkoreit, and N. Houlsby. An image is worth 16x16 words: Transformers for image recognition at scale. CoRR, abs/2010.11929, 2020.
- K. He, G. Gkioxari, P. Dollar, and R. B. Girshick. Mask R- ´ CNN. CoRR, abs/1703.06870, 2017.
- A. Steiner, A. Kolesnikov, X. Zhai, R. Wightman, J. Uszkoreit, and L. Beyer. How to train your vit? data, augmentation, and regularization in vision transformers. CoRR, abs/2106.10270, 2021.