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The Topology ToolKit (TTK)

This archive contains the data-sets and ParaView state files required to 
reproduce the examples provided on the TTK website (gallery and tutorials).

To run these examples, from the current directory, enter the following command
(omit the '$' character):
$ paraview --state=states/<example demo state file .pvsm>

See the TTK tutorial page for more details:

Data specs
  "name": "bivariateToy.vtu",
  "description": "Simple bivariate example using X and Y coordinates",
  "acknowledgement": "Julien Tierny",
  "url": ""

  "name": "BuiltinExample1.vti",
  "description": "2D von Karman vortex street",
  "acknowledgement": "Gerris",
  "url": ""

  "name": "BuiltinExample2.vti",
  "description": "Electron density and reduced gradient, Ethane-Diol molecule",
  "acknowledgement": "Roberto Alvarez Boto",
  "url": """

  "name": "BuiltinExample3.vti",
  "description": "Uncertain 2D von Karman vortex street",
  "acknowledgement": "Gerris",
  "url": ""

  "name": "cells.vti",
  "description": "Microscope of cell nuclei (Allium Cepa)",
  "acknowledgement": "S. Shanti",
  "url": ""

  "name": "clustering0.csv",
  "description": "Two dimensional point cloud, clustering toy example",
  "acknowledgement": "scikit-learn",
  "url": ""

  "name": "clustering1.csv",
  "description": "Two dimensional point cloud, clustering toy example",
  "acknowledgement": "scikit-learn",
  "url": ""

  "name": "clustering2.csv",
  "description": "Two dimensional point cloud, clustering toy example",
  "acknowledgement": "scikit-learn",
  "url": ""

  "name": "clustering3.csv",
  "description": "Two dimensional point cloud, clustering toy example",
  "acknowledgement": "scikit-learn",
  "url": ""

  "name": "clustering4.csv",
  "description": "Two dimensional point cloud, clustering toy example",
  "acknowledgement": "scikit-learn",
  "url": ""

  "name": "ctBones.vti",
  "description": "Rotational C-arm x-ray scan of a human foot",
  "acknowledgement": "Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany",
  "url": ""

  "name": "dragon.vtu",
  "description": "Scanned dragon model",
  "acknowledgement": "AIM@SHAPE",
  "url": ""

  "name": "GroundWater.cdb",
  "description": "The dataset contains a limestone ground sample from south Florida, and streamlines that represent the flow of water through the cavities.",
  "acknowledgement": "Data courtesy of Sadé Garcia, Michael Sukop, Florida International University; Kevin Cunningham, United States Geological Survey.",
  "url": ""

  "name": "HAPPI_historicalAtmosTasEnsmean.vti",
  "description": "Atmoshperic data (ensemble mean)",
  "acknowledgement": "The HAPPI project",
  "url": ""

  "name": "isabel.vti",
  "description": "Volume ensemble of 12 members, showing key time steps (formation, drift and landfall) in the simulation of the Isabel hurricane (wind velocity magnitude)",
  "acknowledgement": "Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model, courtesy of NCAR and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).",
  "url": ""

  "name": "jet.vti",
  "description": "Vorticity magnitude scalar field of a computational fluid dynamics simulation that models the injection of a jet into a medium at rest.",
  "acknowledgement": "Christoph Garth (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern)",
  "url": ""

  "name": "karhunenLoveDigits64Dimensions.csv",
  "description": "High-dimensional point cloud (2000 points, 64 dimensions)
  given by the Karhunen-Love coefficients of scanned images of hand-written 
  digits (10 classes of 200 samples)."
  "acknowledgement": "Robert P.W. Duin",
  "url": ""

  "name": "manifoldCheck0.vtu",
  "description": "Toy example for 0-dimensional manifold check",
  "acknowledgement": "Julien Tierny",
  "url": ""

  "name": "manifoldCheck1.vtu",
  "description": "Toy example for 1-dimensional manifold check",
  "acknowledgement": "Julien Tierny",
  "url": ""

  "name": "manifoldCheck2.vtu",
  "description": "Toy example for 2-dimensional manifold check",
  "acknowledgement": "Julien Tierny",
  "url": ""

  "name": "mechanical.vtu",
  "description": "Magnitudes of flow velocity and vorticity in a mechanical piece",
  "acknowledgement": "Robert Geist and Joshua A. Levine",
  "url": ""

  "name": "naturalImage.png",
  "description": "Photograph of a building",
  "acknowledgement": "IPOL LSD demo",
  "url": ""

  "name": "noisyTerrain.vtu",
  "description": "Surface of a noisy terrain",
  "acknowledgement": "Julien Tierny",
  "url": ""

  "name": "oceanVortices.vtu",
  "description": "Sea surface height",
  "acknowledgement": "Lionel Guez",
  "url": ""

  "name": "pegasus.vtu",
  "description": "Scanned pegasus statue",
  "acknowledgement": "AIM@SHAPE",
  "url": ""

  "name": "pointCloud.csv",
  "description": "Three dimensional point cloud, manifold learning example",
  "acknowledgement": "scikit-learn",
  "url": ""

  "name": "rockerArm.vtu",
  "description": "Scanned rocker arm",
  "acknowledgement": "AIM@SHAPE",
  "url": ""

  "name": "seaLandMask.vtr",
  "description": "Binary mask for atmoshperic data (ensemble mean)",
  "acknowledgement": "The HAPPI project",
  "url": ""

  "name": "tectonicPuzzle.vtu",
  "description": "Tectonic plate viscosity",
  "acknowledgement": "Nicolas Coltice",
  "url": ""

  "name": "timeTracking.vti",
  "description": "Time-varying 2D von Karman vortex street",
  "acknowledgement": "Gerris",
  "url": ""

  "name": "tribute.png",
  "description": "Microscoy of cell sheet morphogenesis (tribute to Edelsbrunner & Harer's book, page 217)",
  "acknowledgement": "Daniel P. Kiehart, Catherine G. Galbraith, Kevin A. Edwards, Wayne L. Rickoll, Ruth A. Montague ",
  "url": "",

  "name": "uncertainStartingVortex.vti",
  "description": "Starting vortex behind an airplane wing (2D, uncertain data)",
  "acknowledgement": "Gerris",
  "url": ""

  "name": "viscousFingering.vti",
  "description": "Density of salt in water during viscous fingering",
  "acknowledgement": "Berk Geveci and Christoph Garth",
  "url": ""

  "name": "ViscousFingers.cdb",
  "description": "Two simulation runs of the viscous finger dataset form the 2016 scientific visualization contest. The data has been processed based on the paper 'Nested Tracking Graphs' by Lukasczyk et al.",
  "acknowledgement": "Berk Geveci, Christoph Garth, Garrett Aldrich, and Jonas Lukasczyk",
  "url": ""


TTK data examples






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