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My dotfiles



Key Value
Bootloader: zfsbootmenu
File system: zfs
OS: Ubuntu 24.04
Package manager: apt, homebrew
Shell: bash
Window manager: dwm
Status bar: luastatus
Terminal: st
Screen lock: slock
Menu: dmenu
Compositor: picom
Font: UbuntuMono Nerd Font Mono
Editor: neovim
Terminal multiplexer: tmux
Hotkey daemon: sxhkd
TUI file manager: lf
TUI git: lazygit

Some useful scripts I've written over the years:

  • tmux-sessionizer: quickly create/switch tmux sessions; inspired by ThePrimeagen. I use this a TON!
  • zfs-snapshot-browser: browse previous zfs snapshots of given directory. Useful for quickly recovering deleted/changed files.
  • sf: open an lf session mounted to a remote host over ssh. Works really nicely with multiple lf instances (copy files between hosts).


I've remapped some keys for ergonomics:

  • Caps Lock is ctrl when held down, escape when pressed once (see remaps). If you're a vim user, you'll love this.
  • Alt and winkey are swapped. Alt is powerkey for dwm.


For a full install:


Or specify a tag to install a specific item:

./ -t dwm


Borrowed inspiration and code from: