A wrapper around redfin's unofficial API. Anything on the redfin site can be accessed through this module without screen scraping.
$ python3 -m pip install redfin
from redfin import Redfin
client = Redfin()
address = '4544 Radnor St, Detroit Michigan'
response = client.search(address)
url = response['payload']['exactMatch']['url']
initial_info = client.initial_info(url)
property_id = initial_info['payload']['propertyId']
mls_data = client.below_the_fold(property_id)
listing_id = initial_info['payload']['listingId']
avm_details = client.avm_details(property_id, listing_id)
See the file for all functions, pop open requests on redfin to see which one you want.