MudBlazor.Extensions is a small extension for MudBlazor from
Running Sample Application (Azure)
Running Sample Application (Cloudflare)
Using is as easy it can be Sure you need a MudBlazor project and the referenced package to MudBlazor for more informations and help see and
Add the nuget Package MudBlazor.Extensions
to your blazor project
<PackageReference Include="MudBlazor.Extensions" Version="*" />
For easier using the components should change your _Imports.razor
and add this entries.
@using MudBlazor.Extensions
@using MudBlazor.Extensions.Components
@using MudBlazor.Extensions.Components.ObjectEdit
Register the MudBlazor.Extensions in your Startup.cs
in the ConfigureServices
NOTICE: You can pass Assemblies params to search and add the possible service implementations for
automaticly. If you don't pass any Assembly the MudBlazor.Extensions will search in the Entry and calling Assembly.
// use this to add MudServices and the MudBlazor.Extensions
// or this to add only the MudBlazor.Extensions
You can also provide default dialogOptions here
builder.Services.AddMudServicesWithExtensions(c =>
c.WithDefaultDialogOptions(ex =>
ex.Position = DialogPosition.BottomRight;
Because the dialog extensions are static you need to set the IJSRuntime somewhere in your code for example in your App.razor
or MainLayout.razor
in the OnAfterRenderAsync
This is not required but otherwise you need to pass the IJSRuntime in every DialogOptionsEx
If I find a better solution I will change this.
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await JsRuntime.InitializeMudBlazorExtensionsAsync();
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
is a powerfull component to edit objects and automatically render the whole UI.
You can also use the MudExObjectEditForm
to have automatic validation and submit.
Validation works automatically for DataAnnotation Validations or fluent registered validations for your model.
The easiest way to use it is to use the MudExObjectEditForm
and pass your model to it.
<MudExObjectEditForm OnValidSubmit="@OnSubmit" Value="@MyModel"></MudExObjectEditForm>
You can also use the MudExObjectEditDialog
to edit you model in a dialog. The easieest way to do this is to use the extension method EditObject
on the IDialogService
dialogService.EditObject(User, "Dialog Title", dialogOptionsEx);
More Informations of MudExObjectEdit you can find here
A Component to display file contents for example as preview before uploading or for referenced files.
This components automatically tries to display as best as possible and can handle urls or streams directly.
Also you can easially implement IMudExFileDisplay
in your own component to register a custom file display. For example if you want to build or use your own video player
You can use it like this
<MudExFileDisplay FileName="NameOfYourFile.pdf" ContentType="application/pdf" Url="@Url"></MudExFileDisplay>
This component is also automatically used by MudExFileDisplay
but can also used manually if you need to.
<MudExFileDisplayZip AllowDownload="@AllowDownload" RootFolderName="@FileName" ContentStream="@ContentStream" Url="@Url"></MudExFileDisplayZip>
A small dialog for the MudExFileDisplay
Component. Can be used with static helpers to show like this
await MudExFileDisplayDialog.Show(_dialogService, dataUrl, request.FileName, request.ContentType, ex => ex.JsRuntime = _jsRuntime);
Can be used directly with an IBrowserFile
IBrowserFile file = File;
await MudExFileDisplayDialog.Show(_dialogService, file, ex => ex.JsRuntime = _jsRuntime);
Can also be used completely manually with MudBlazor dialogService
var parameters = new DialogParameters
{nameof(Icon), BrowserFileExtensions.IconForFile(contentType)},
{nameof(Url), url},
{nameof(ContentType), contentType}
await dialogService.ShowEx<MudExFileDisplayDialog>(title, parameters, optionsEx);
This is a multi file upload component with Features like duplicate check, max size, specific allowed content types, max items, zip auto extract and many more.
var options = new DialogOptionsEx { Resizeable = true, DragMode = MudDialogDragMode.Simple, CloseButton = true, FullWidth = true };
var dialog = await _dialogService.ShowEx<YourMudDialog>("your dialog title", parameters, options);
var options = new DialogOptionsEx { MaximizeButton = true, CloseButton = true};
var dialog = await _dialogService.ShowEx<YourMudDialog>("your Dialog title", parameters, options);
First in your component code you need to define the callback methods as JSInvokable
public void AlarmClick()
// OnAlarmButton Click
public void ColorLensClick()
// OnColorLensButton Click
Then define your custom buttons
var buttons = new[]
new MudDialogButton( DotNetObjectReference.Create(this as object), nameof(AlarmClick)) {Icon = Icons.Filled.Alarm},
new MudDialogButton( DotNetObjectReference.Create(this as object), nameof(ColorLensClick)) {Icon = Icons.Filled.ColorLens},
var options = new DialogOptionsEx { MaximizeButton = true, CloseButton = true, Buttons = buttons};
var dialog = await _dialogService.ShowEx<YourMudDialog>("your dialog title", parameters, options);
Now a dialog can look like this
Use animation to show dialog
var options = new DialogOptionsEx {
MaximizeButton = true,
CloseButton = true,
Buttons = buttons,
Position = DialogPosition.CenterRight,
Animation = AnimationType.SlideIn,
AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500),
FullHeight = true
var dialog = await _dialogService.ShowEx<YourMudDialog>("your dialog title", parameters, options);
If you animate a dialog with dialogServiceEx, you should add the class mud-ex-dialog-initial
to your dialog to ensure no visibility before animation.
Currently you can use following animations: SlideIn,FadeIn,Scale,Slide,Fade,Zoom,Roll,JackInTheBox,Hinge,Rotate,Bounce,Back,Jello,Wobble,Tada,Swing,HeadShake,Shake,RubberBand,Pulse,Flip,FlipX,FlipY
<MudDialog Class="mud-ex-dialog-initial">
BETA (Work still in progress): All animations can currently also used on other components for example in this popover.
<MudPopover Style="@(IsOpen $"animation: {new [] {AnimationType.FadeIn, AnimationType.SlideIn}.GetAnimationCssStyle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))}" : "")">Popover content</MudPopover>
Also you can call our extension method with an Action<YourDialog>
instead of DialogParameters.
await dialogService.ShowEx<SampleDialog>("Simple Dialog", dialog => { dialog.ContentMessage = "Hello"; },options);
- 1.7.41 > Add Documentation for some static utils
- 1.7.41 > Continue work on Taskbar and No Modal feature (still in progress)
- 1.7.41 > Support Inline Dialogs with new Component MudExDialog
- 1.7.41 > Bugfix on size when dialog resize is enabled
- 1.7.40 > Event bugfix
- 1.7.37 > MudExAppLoader web component to add loading animation for application
- 1.7.36 > MudExObjectEdit: Fix errors where in some cases a meta config expressions fails for the RenderWith extension
- 1.7.36 > New Possibility for ServerSideRendered Projects to use the IApplicationBuilder extension UseMudExtensions to bypass the need to register the JSRuntime
- 1.7.36 > New Utils Methods for MudExCss
- 1.7.36 > Setting DialogOptions as Default now also applys to dynamic dialogs for MudExCollectionEdit or MudExObjectEdit
- 1.7.36 > New Component MudExGradientText
- 1.7.36 > New Component MudExCardList
- 1.7.36 > New Component MudExPopover
- 1.7.36 > Fix small DialogOptions bugs
- 1.7.35 > New Animations for dialogs Perspective3d and LightSpeed
- 1.7.34 > New Components MudExSplitPanel MudExSplitter MudExDivider
- 1.7.34 > Breaking: Rename: SvgIconHelper is now MudExSvg
- 1.7.34 > Breaking: Rename: CssHelper is now MudExCss
- 1.7.34 > Breaking: Rename: MudExColorHelper is now MudExColor
- 1.7.34 > Breaking: Move: Namespace MudBlazor.Extensions.Extensions is now MudBlazor.Extensions.Helper
- 1.7.33 Fix bug if no header is active on dialogs
- 1.7.33 Load Modules manually for MAUI Apps
- 1.7.31 Update BlazorJS to v 2.0.0 and MudBlazor to 6.1.8.
- 1.7.30 Fix broken layout in full-height dialogs with new css selector.
- 1.7.29 Fix broken dialog header buttons positions based on MudBlazor css changes
- 1.7.28 Update MudBlazor to 6.1.7 and implement missing members in IMudExDialogReference
- 1.7.27 MudExObjectEdit and MudExCollectionEditor now supporting
on MudExCollectionEditor its default enabled. But you need to specify height of control. On MudExObjectEdit is disabled and currently in Beta - 1.7.27 MudExObjectEdit and MudExCollectionEditor now supporting Height, MaxHeight and custom Style as Parameter
- 1.7.27 MudExCollectionEditor now supporting Item search
- 1.7.27 MudExCollectionEditor now supporting top or bottom toolbar position by setting the Parameter
- 1.7.26 Improvements and extensibility for MudExFileDisplay
- 1.7.25 DialogOptions can now set as Default for all dialogs where no explicit options are used
- 1.7.24 Allow converting any IDialogReference to an
with Extension method AsMudExDialogReference. With this reference, the inner dialog component is type safe accessable - 1.7.23 New small dialogService extension method
- 1.7.22 New small dialogService extension method
- 1.7.21 Correct initial color for colorpicker from MudExColorBubble
- 1.7.20 .net6 and .net7 compatible.
- 1.7.20 New componments MudExColorPicker, MudExColorBubble, MudExUploadEdit
- 1.7.20 Fixed Bug that localizer is not passed to MudExCollectionEdit
- 1.7.10 UPDATE TO .NET 7 and MudBlazor 6.1.2
- 1.6.76 BugFix in MudExEnumSelect
- 1.6.74 MudExEnumSelect select now supports nullable enums and flags
- 1.6.73 Pass Class and ClassContent for MudExMessageDialog as Parameter
- 1.6.72 Extension for DialogService to show any component in a dialog
Sample - 1.6.70 MudExObjectEdit has now events for before import and beforeexport, that allows you to change imported or exported date before executed
- 1.6.69 BugFix wrong js was loaded
- 1.6.68 New small DialogComponent
with custom actions and result and with small dialogServiceExtensiondialogService.ShowConfirmationDialogAsync
- 1.6.68 New parameter for MudExObjectEdit
if this is true andAllowImport
is true a file preview dialog appears on import and the user needs to confirm the import. - 1.6.68 Import and Export specifix properties only in MudExObjectEdit are now configurable with the MetaConfiguration
- 1.6.68 Dialog DragMode without bound check. ScrollToTopPosition for MudExObjectEdit
- 1.6.67 Add
simple extended default MudColorPicker with one optionDelayValueChangeToPickerClose
(default true). If this is true ValueChanged is invoked after picker close - 1.5.0 Add
- 1.4.6 Registered Localizer is no longer a requirement
- 1.4.0 Add New Component
- 1.2.8 Add New Component
- 1.2.6 Add New Animationtypes for dialog or manual using
- 1.2.4 Add Components
- 1.2.2 Animations can be combined
- 1.2.2 Add animation fade
- 1.2.2 Improved animations for dialogs
- 1.2.0 Slide in animations for dialogs.
- 1.1.2 New option FullHeight for dialogs
Notice this is just a first preview version. There are some features planned like
- Dragging with snap behaviour
If you like this package, please star it on GitHub and share it with your friends If not, you can give a star anyway and let me know what I can improve to make it better for you.