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rstatix 0.2.0

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@kassambara kassambara released this 04 Sep 05:23
· 151 commits to master since this release

Minor changes

  • get_anova_table() supports now an object of class grouped_anova_test
  • ANOVA table is now correctly returned when correction = "none" for repeated measures ANOVA
  • NAs are now automatically removed before quantile computation for identifying outliers (@IndrajeetPatil, #10).
  • Unquoted factor variable name is now supported in factor manipulation functions: set_ref_level(), reorder_levels() and make_valid_levels()
  • New argument model added in the function emmeans_test()
  • Adapting to tidyr v1.0.0 (@jennybc, #6)

New features

  • New function welch_anova_test(): Welch one-Way ANOVA test. A wrapper around the base function stats::oneway.test(). This is is an alternative to the standard one-way ANOVA in the situation where the homogeneity of variance assumption is violated.
  • New function friedman_effsize(), computes the effect size of Friedman test using the Kendall's W value.
  • New function friedman_test(), provides a pipe-friendly framework to perform a Friedman rank sum test, which is the non-parametric alternative to the one-way repeated measures ANOVA test.
  • New function games_howell_test(): Performs Games-Howell test, which is used to compare all possible combinations of group differences when the assumption of homogeneity of variances is violated.
  • New function kruskal_effsize() for computing effect size for Kruskal-Wallis test.
  • New functions added to round and format p-values: p_round(), p_format(), p_mark_significant().
  • New function wilcox_effsize() added for computing effect size (r) for wilcoxon test.
  • New function get_anova_table() added to extract ANOVA table from anova_test() results. Can apply sphericity correction automatically in the case of within-subject (repeated measures) designs.
  • New functions added to extract information from statistical tests: get_anova_label()
  • New function emmeans_test() added for pairwise comparisons of estimated marginal means.

Minor changes

  • the unnecessary column comparison removed from tukey_hsd() results (breaking change).
  • New column n (sample count) added to statistical tests results: t_test(), wilcox_test(), sign_test(), dunn_test() and kruskal_test() (@ShixiangWang, #4).
  • rstatix_test class added to anova_test() results
  • the results of kruskal_test() is now an object of class rstatix_test that has an attribute named args for holding the test arguments.
  • In get_y_position(), y positions and test data are merged now for grouped plots.
  • New argument y.trans added in get_y_position() for y scale transformation.
  • significance column added in tukey_hsd() results.
  • adjust_pvalue() now supports grouped data

Bug fixes

  • detailed arguments correctly propagated when grouped stats are performed