Tracking pixels made easy. For Python 2 and Django 1.7+
- Built-in views to serve transparent pixels or 204 responses.
- Compose pixel tracking urls with different type IDs.
- Route tracking requests to functions using type IDs.
Install django-pixels:
pip install django-pixels
Mount pixel tracking URL patterns:
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^tracker/', include('django_pixels.urls', namespace="pixels")),
Get the general pixel tracking url (This serves a transparent pixel as the response):
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
tracking_url = reverse('pixels:pixel') # given you have mounted django_pixels urls with namespace='pixels'
Get the tracking url with no-content(204) response (This serves an empty response with code 204):
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
tracking_url = reverse('pixels:pixel-204') # given you have mounted django_pixels urls with namespace='pixels'
Generate a pixel tracking url with type 1:
from django_pixels import utils
utils.compose_pixel_url(tracking_url, 1)
Write a function to handle tracking calls with type 1:
def track_emails(request):
# handle tracking with the passed HttpRequest instance
Register the function to handle tracking calls with type 1:
from django_pixels import handlers
handlers.register(1, track_emails)
Or mark a function to handle tracking calls with type 2:
from django_pixels import handlers
def track_emails(request):
# handle tracking with the passed HttpRequest instance
- PIXELS_TYPE_PARAMETER_NAME - Change the parameter name used for tracking type
Tools used in rendering this package: