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start proving smart constructors
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awalterschulze committed Dec 22, 2024
1 parent 9722c99 commit 87b582b
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Showing 2 changed files with 197 additions and 50 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Katydid/Regex/Language.lean
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Expand Up @@ -553,7 +553,8 @@ theorem simp_or_emptystr_null_r_is_r
theorem simp_or_idemp (r: Lang α):
or r r = r := by
unfold or
funext xs
apply or_self

theorem simp_or_comm (r s: Lang α):
or r s = or s r := by
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244 changes: 195 additions & 49 deletions Katydid/Regex/SmartRegex.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,74 +1,220 @@
import Katydid.Regex.Language
import Katydid.Regex.SimpleRegex

open List
open SimpleRegex

namespace SmartRegex

-- TODO: incorporate more simplification rules into the smart constructor
def smartOr (x y: Regex α): Regex α :=
inductive Predicate (α: Type) where
| mk
(desc: String)
(func: α -> Prop)
(dec: DecidablePred func)
: Predicate α

def Predicate.desc (p: Predicate α): String :=
match p with
| ⟨ desc, _, _ ⟩ => desc

def Predicate.func (p: Predicate α): α -> Prop :=
match p with
| ⟨ _, f, _ ⟩ => f

def Predicate.decfunc (p: Predicate α): DecidablePred p.func := by
cases p with
| mk desc f dec =>
intro a
unfold DecidablePred at dec
unfold Predicate.func
apply dec

def evalPredicate (p: Predicate α) (a: α): Bool := by
cases p.decfunc a with
| isFalse => exact Bool.false
| isTrue => exact Bool.true

def (x: Predicate α) (y: Predicate α): Ordering :=
let xd: String := x.desc
let yd: String := y.desc xd yd

instance : Ord (Predicate α) where
compare: Predicate α → Predicate α → Ordering :=

inductive Regex (α: Type): Type where
| emptyset : Regex α
| emptystr : Regex α
| pred : (p: Predicate α) → Regex α
| or : Regex α → Regex α → Regex α
| concat : Regex α → Regex α → Regex α
| star : Regex α → Regex α

def null (r: Regex α): Bool :=
match r with
| Regex.emptyset => false
| Regex.emptystr => true
| Regex.pred _ => false
| Regex.or x y => null x || null y
| Regex.concat x y => null x && null y
| _ => true

def onlyif (cond: Prop) [dcond: Decidable cond] (r: Regex α): Regex α :=
if cond then r else Regex.emptyset

def onlyif' {cond: Prop} (dcond: Decidable cond) (r: Regex α): Regex α :=
if cond then r else Regex.emptyset

def derive (r: Regex α) (a: α): Regex α :=
match r with
| Regex.emptyset => Regex.emptyset
| Regex.emptystr => Regex.emptyset
| Regex.pred p => onlyif' (p.decfunc a) Regex.emptystr
| Regex.or x y =>
-- TODO: use smartOr
Regex.or (derive x a) (derive y a)
| Regex.concat x y =>
-- TODO: use smartOr and smartConcat
(Regex.concat (derive x a) y)
(onlyif (null x) (derive y a))
| x =>
-- TODO: use smartStar
Regex.concat (derive x a) ( x)

def denote {α: Type} (r: Regex α): Language.Lang α :=
match r with
| Regex.emptyset => Language.emptyset
| Regex.emptystr => Language.emptystr
| Regex.pred p => Language.pred p.func
| Regex.or x y => Language.or (denote x) (denote y)
| Regex.concat x y => Language.concat (denote x) (denote y)
| x => (denote x)

-- smartStar is a smart constructor for which incorporates the following simplification rules:
-- 1. star (star x) = star x (Language.simp_star_star_is_star)
-- 2. star emptystr = emptystr (Language.simp_star_emptystr_is_emptystr)
-- 3. star emptyset = emptystr (Language.simp_star_emptyset_is_emptystr)
def smartStar (x: Regex α): Regex α :=
match x with
| Regex.emptyset => y
| _ =>
match y with
| Regex.emptyset => x
| _ => Regex.or x y
| Regex.emptyset => Regex.emptystr
| Regex.emptystr => Regex.emptystr
| _ => x
| _ => x

-- TODO: incorporate more simplification rules into the smart constructor
theorem smartStar_is_star (x: Regex α):
denote ( x) = denote (smartStar x) := by
cases x with
| emptyset =>
simp [smartStar]
simp [denote]
rw [Language.simp_star_emptyset_is_emptystr]
| emptystr =>
simp [smartStar]
simp [denote]
rw [Language.simp_star_emptystr_is_emptystr]
| pred p =>
simp [smartStar]
| concat x1 x2 =>
simp [smartStar]
| or x1 x2 =>
simp [smartStar]
| star x' =>
simp [smartStar]
simp [denote]
rw [Language.simp_star_star_is_star]

-- smartConcat is a smart constructor for Regex.concat that includes the following simplification rules:
-- 1. If x or y is emptyset then return emptyset (Language.simp_concat_emptyset_l_is_emptyset and Language.simp_concat_emptyset_r_is_emptyset)
-- 2. If x or y is emptystr return the other (Language.simp_concat_emptystr_r_is_l and Language.simp_concat_emptystr_l_is_r)
-- 3. If x is a concat then `((concat x1 x2) y) = concat x1 (concat x2 y)` use associativity (Language.simp_concat_assoc).
def smartConcat (x y: Regex α): Regex α :=
match x with
| Regex.emptyset => Regex.emptyset
| Regex.emptystr => y
| Regex.concat x1 x2 =>
-- smartConcat needs to be called again on the rigth hand side, since x2 might also be a Regex.concat.
-- x1 is gauranteed to not be a Regex.concat if it has been constructed with smartConcat, so we do not called smartConcat again on the left hand side.
Regex.concat x1 (smartConcat x2 y)
| _otherwise =>
match y with
| Regex.emptystr => x
| _otherwise => Regex.concat x y
match y with
| Regex.emptyset => Regex.emptyset
| Regex.emptystr => x
| _otherwise => Regex.concat x y

-- TODO: incorporate more simplification rules into the smart constructor
def smartStar (x: Regex α): Regex α :=
match x with
| x' => x'
| _ => x

theorem smartOr_is_correct (x y: Regex α):
denote (Regex.or x y) = denote (smartOr x y) := by
theorem smartConcat_is_concat {α: Type} (x y: Regex α):
denote (Regex.concat x y) = denote (smartConcat x y) := by
cases x with
| emptyset =>
unfold smartOr
unfold smartConcat
simp [denote]
exact (Language.simp_or_emptyset_l_is_r (denote y))
exact Language.simp_concat_emptyset_l_is_emptyset (denote y)
| emptystr =>
cases y <;> (try simp [smartOr])
· case emptyset =>
simp [denote]
exact (Language.simp_or_emptyset_r_is_l _)
unfold smartConcat
simp [denote]
exact Language.simp_concat_emptystr_l_is_r (denote y)
| pred p =>
cases y <;> (try simp [smartOr])
cases y <;> simp [denote]
· case emptyset =>
simp [denote]
exact (Language.simp_or_emptyset_r_is_l _)
apply Language.simp_concat_emptyset_r_is_emptyset
· case emptystr =>
apply Language.simp_concat_emptystr_r_is_l
| or x1 x2 =>
cases y <;> (try simp [smartOr])
cases y <;> simp [denote]
· case emptyset =>
simp [denote]
exact (Language.simp_or_emptyset_r_is_l _)
apply Language.simp_concat_emptyset_r_is_emptyset
· case emptystr =>
apply Language.simp_concat_emptystr_r_is_l
| concat x1 x2 =>
cases y <;> (try simp [smartOr])
· case emptyset =>
simp [denote]
exact (Language.simp_or_emptyset_r_is_l _)
| star x =>
cases y <;> (try simp [smartOr])
unfold smartConcat
simp [denote]
rw [<- smartConcat_is_concat x2 y]
simp [denote]
rw [Language.simp_concat_assoc]
| star x1 =>
cases y <;> simp [denote]
· case emptyset =>
simp [denote]
exact (Language.simp_or_emptyset_r_is_l _)
apply Language.simp_concat_emptyset_r_is_emptyset
· case emptystr =>
apply Language.simp_concat_emptystr_r_is_l

theorem smartConcat_is_correct (x y: Regex α):
denote (Regex.concat x y) = denote (smartConcat x y) := by
-- TODO: incorporate more simplification rules into the smart constructor
-- 1. Get the list of ors (Language.simp_or_assoc)
-- 2. Remove duplicates from the list (create a set) (Language.simp_or_comm and Language.simp_or_idemp and Language.simp_or_assoc)
-- 3. If at any following step the set is size one, simply return
-- 4. If the set contains star (any) then return star (any) (Language.simp_or_universal_r_is_universal and Language.simp_or_universal_l_is_universal)
-- 5. Delete emptyset from the set (Language.simp_or_emptyset_r_is_l and Language.simp_or_emptyset_l_is_r)
-- 6. If any of the set is nullable, remove emptystr from the set (Language.simp_or_emptystr_null_r_is_r and Language.simp_or_null_l_emptystr_is_l)
-- 7. create a sorted list from the set (Language.simp_or_assoc and Language.simp_or_comm)
def smartOr (x y: Regex α): Regex α :=
match x with
| Regex.emptyset => y
| _ =>
match y with
| Regex.emptyset => x
| _ => Regex.or x y

theorem smartStar_is_correct (x: Regex α):
denote ( x) = denote (smartStar x) := by
private theorem smartOr_is_or_righthand (x y: Regex α) (hx_emptyset: x ≠ Regex.emptyset):
denote (Regex.or x y) = denote (smartOr x y) := by
cases y <;> (try simp [smartOr])
· case emptyset =>
simp [denote]
exact (Language.simp_or_emptyset_r_is_l (denote x))

theorem smartOr_is_or (x y: Regex α):
denote (Regex.or x y) = denote (smartOr x y) := by
have hy := smartOr_is_or_righthand x y
match x with
| Regex.emptyset =>
unfold smartOr
simp [denote]
exact (Language.simp_or_emptyset_l_is_r (denote y))
| Regex.emptystr =>
exact hy (by simp)
| Regex.pred p =>
exact hy (by simp)
| Regex.or x1 x2 =>
exact hy (by simp)
| Regex.concat x1 x2 =>
exact hy (by simp)
| x1 =>
exact hy (by simp)

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