partar is a Python app using mpi4py to create multiple tarballs of large number of files in parallel.
- Python3
- mpi4py
partar does not have a argument parser included as yet but will be done so in future to make it more configurable. Until then, please customize the python script at your discretion.
To create synthetic benchmark (i.e a good number of files with decent data), a script is included "".
A sample slurm job script to launch the taring would look something like this:
#SBATCH --partition=workq
#SBATCH --ntasks=8
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00
srun --hint=nomultithread -n 8 python -i /path/to/input_dir -o /path/to/output_dir
The scaling on the sythetic data looks promising.
Num MPI procs Time(min)
4 226.9283333
8 119.6616667
16 58.8805
32 32.3585
64 8.833333333