This repository contains the code for the paper available at
Create a conda environment named DL_env with all dependencies by running below
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the created conda env and install autoattack via below
conda activate DL_env
pip install git+
Please note that we used a server with 2 Nvidia GPUs (each with 24 GB memory) for our code below. (standard training checkpoints from 3 random seeds are stored here)
cd standard-training
python --file checkpoints/${File Name} --gpu-id ${N}
where ${File Name} for each result in Table 1 (of paper) can be found below and ${N} is the gpu id (e.g. 0 or 1 or 2).
Dataset | Model | Batch | lr (base) | lr (2/L) | lr (1/L) | ${File Name} |
CIFAR10 | ResNet 20 | 5000 | 0.1 | 0.5672 | 0.2836 | ${Batch}cifar10_resnet20${lr}.pth.tar |
ResNet 50 | 2000 | 0.1 | 0.1852 | 0.0926 | ${Batch}cifar10_resnet50${lr}.pth.tar | |
ResNet 110 | 1000 | 0.1 | 0.16 | 0.0855 | ${Batch}cifar10_resnet110${lr}.pth.tar | |
DenseNet 40 | 2000 | 0.1 | 0.3683 | 0.1842 | ${Batch}cifar10_densenet${lr}.pth.tar | |
CIAFR100 | ResNet 50 | 256 | 0.1 | 0.2286 | 0.1143 | ${Batch}cifar100_resnet50${lr}.pth.tar |
ResNet 110 | 256 | 0.1 | 0.1381 | 0.069 | ${Batch}cifar100_resnet110${lr}.pth.tar | |
DenseNet 40 | 256 | 0.1 | 0.191 | 0.0955 | ${Batch}cifar100_densenet${lr}.pth.tar |
python --file checkpoints/5000_cifar10_resnet20_0.1.pth.tar --gpu-id 0
- First, will generate 10000 adversarial images and save in PGD/5000_resnet20_cifar10_0.1/ (ensure disk space!)
- Second, will evaluate on clean and adversarial images and print out accuracies
- Third, adversarial accuracies will also be saved to PGD/cifar10_LeNet5-relu_0.1/log.txt
2.2.1 First, download a model checkpoint from below into the corresponding folder PGD-AT/ (OR) TRADES/ (OR) RST (adversarial training checkpoints from three random seeds are stored here)
cd adversarial-training/${Approach}
python --model_path ${File Name} --log_file ${Approach}_${lr}.log
${Approach} | Model | lr (base) | lr (2/L) | lr (1/L) | ${File Name} |
PGD-AT | ResNet-50 | 0.1 | 0.1922 | 0.0961 | PGD-AT_${lr}.pt.latest |
TRADES | WRN-34-10 | 0.1 | 0.2668 | 0.1334 | TRADES_${lr}.pt |
RST | WRN-28-10 | 0.1 | 0.1485 | 0.0743 | RST_${lr}.pt |
cd adversarial-training/PGD-AT
python --model_path --log_file RST_0.1485.log
Please add --epsilon 0.031
when running for TRADES (for correct comparison with SOTA on Autoattack benchmark). Here is an example,
cd adversarial-training/TRADES
python --epsilon 0.031 --model_path --log_file TRADES_0.2668.log
cd standard-training
python --folder train_checkpoints/${Folder Name}
where ${Folder Name} for each result can be found in the below table
Dataset | Model | Batch | lr (base) | lr (2/L) | lr (1/L) | ${Folder Name} |
CIFAR10 | ResNet 20 | 5000 | 0.1 | 0.5672 | 0.2836 | ${Batch}cifar10_resnet20${lr} |
ResNet 50 | 2000 | 0.1 | 0.1852 | 0.0926 | ${Batch}cifar10_resnet50${lr} | |
ResNet 110 | 1000 | 0.1 | 0.16 | 0.08 | ${Batch}cifar10_resnet110${lr} | |
DenseNet 40 | 2000 | 0.1 | 0.3683 | 0.1842 | ${Batch}cifar10_densenet${lr} | |
CIAFR100 | ResNet 50 | 256 | 0.1 | 0.2286 | 0.1143 | ${Batch}cifar100_resnet50${lr} |
ResNet 110 | 256 | 0.1 | 0.1381 | 0.069 | ${Batch}cifar100_resnet110${lr} | |
DenseNet 40 | 256 | 0.1 | 0.191 | 0.0955 | ${Batch}cifar100_densenet${lr} |
- First, a model is trained and saved at train_checkpoints/${Folder Name}/checkpoint.pth.tar. At the end, lipschitz constant will be estimated.
- Train / val performance is saved to a log file in the same folder.
- To evaluate the trained model, run below
python --file train_checkpoints/${Folder Name}/checkpoint.pth.tar --gpu-id ${N} --trained-from-scratch
python --folder train_checkpoints/5000_cifar10_resnet20_0.1
python --file train_checkpoints/5000_cifar10_resnet20_0.1/checkpoint.pth.tar --trained-from-scratch
- In all cases above, the Ms and Ns used in estimation can be changed within utils/ > class Weibull_Fitter() > function fit()
cd adversarial-training/TRADES/
python --lr ${lr} --model-dir TRADES_${\lr}
- Run above command for three ${lr} as given in the table in section 2.2.2 of this README.
- Running the above command will generate checkpoints every 25 epochs for 75 epochs. At the end, lipschitz constant will be estimated.
- To only estimate Lispchitz constant (after training), run
python --model-dir TRADES_${\lr} --only-lipschitz
- To evaluate on autoattack, run
python --epsilon 0.031 --model_path TRADES_${lr}/ --log_file TRADES_${lr}/auto.log
500K unlabeled data from TinyImages (with pseudo-labels)
cd adversarial-training/RST/
python --lr ${lr} --aux_data_filename ti_500K_pseudo_labeled.pickle --model_dir RST_${lr}
- Run above command for three ${lr} as given in the table in section 2.2.2 of this README.
- Running the above command will generate checkpoints every 25 epochs for 200 epochs. At the end, lipschitz constant will be estimated.
- To only estimate Lispchitz constant (after training), run
python --lr ${lr} --model_dir RST_${lr} --only-lipschitz
- To evaluate on autoattack, run
python --model_path RST_${lr}/ --log_file RST_${lr}/auto.log
cd adversarial-training/PGD-AT/
python --lr 0.1 --dataset cifar --data ./data --arch resnet50 --batch-size 256 --out-dir PGD-AT --exp-name SOTA_0.1 \
--adv-train 1 --eps 8.0/255 --constraint inf --attack-steps 10 --attack-lr 0.007 --random-restarts 5
- Running the above command will generate a 'latest' checkpoint after 150 epochs. At the end, lipschitz constant will be estimated.
python --lr ${lr} --dataset cifar --data ./data --arch resnet50 --batch-size 256 --out-dir PGD-AT --exp-name PE_${lr} \
--adv-train 1 --eps 8.0/255 --constraint inf --attack-steps 10 --attack-lr 0.007 --random-restarts 5
- Run above command for two ${lr} (i.e. 2/L and 1/L) as given in the table in section 2.2.2 of this README.
- Running the above command will generate a 'latest' checkpoint after 150 epochs. Since, we are running robust_train_fast, this will not do lipschitz estimation again.
- To evaluate on autoattack, run
python --model_path PGD-AT/PE_${lr}/ --log_file PGD-AT/PE_${lr}/auto.log
- In all 4 cases above, the Ms and Ns used in estimation can be changed within more_utils/ > class Weibull_Fitter() > function fit()
- Download figure_3_lipschitz.pth.tar from into standard-training/notebooks-figure-3-and-4/
Please note that our estimation procedure is inherently random and fixing seed will not solve this. To get the exact same plots in the appendix, we provide the saved gradients/weights in the file --> figure_3_lipschitz.pth.tar .
- Run notebook at standard-training/notebooks-figure-3-and-4/figure_3.ipynb
- Intermediate cells will display both heat maps in Appendix B
- The last cell will display figure 3
- Run notebooks at MNIST-figure-2/notebooks-figure-2/
- The second last cell will display the plot for the corresponding models
- The last cell will display the values in Table 1 (of paper) for MNIST which are obtained from the above plot
- Run notebook at standard-training/notebooks-figure-3-and-4/figure_4.ipynb
- Many many models will be trained and the assumption 2 for each will be verified in the second and third cells respectively
- The fourth/last cell will display figure 4
- Please contact the authors for the saved lipschitz pickle files for each model (not uploaded as all lipschitz pickle files together are more than 40 GB)