- Its a server for a timetracking web app like Clockify.com and it has Stripe payment implementation with basic NodeJS Express server.
Please install Git & NodeJS in your machine. Once done, open your terminal/command prompt & make sure you are at the root of this project. Then run the commands below:
git clone https://github.com/kazmiali/etimetracking-backend.git etimetracking-backend # clone the repository
cd etimetracking-backend # navigate to project folder
npm/yarn install # install nodejs server dependencies
cd client # cd into the client folder
npm/yarn install # install react app dependencies
cd .. # go back to project's root
In order to do use firebase with this project, get the serviceAccountInfo.json file from your firebase project and add it to the directory.
In order to do stripe payments, create a account on stripe and copy the api key from there and add it to a .env file like this
npm/yarn run server