- Its a timetracking web app like Clockify.com , created with React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Firebase, and Stripe.
- Used React Hooks.
- Used Redux with redux-saga for asynchronous code.
- Stripe payments with backend server for making request to stripe API.
- Clean and scalable code.
- Best practices involved.
- Performance optimazations made where required.
Please install Git & NodeJS in your machine. Once done, open your terminal/command prompt & make sure you are at the root of this project. Then run the commands below:
git clone https://github.com/kazmiali/etimetracking-frontend.git etimetracking-frontend # clone the repository
cd etimetracking-frontend # navigate to project folder
npm/yarn install # install nodejs server dependencies
cd client # cd into the client folder
npm/yarn install # install react app dependencies
cd .. # go back to project's root
cd client
npm/yarn run start