iRule management tool for MS Windows
dotnet build -c Release
dotnet irule-tool.dll
Install VSCode on MS Platform Install .NET Core SDK 2.1.x Open Terminal
dotnet restore
dotnet publish --self-contained -c Release
irule-tool.exe -h
By default it will show you list of iRules on your F5
If used with -q will show you other iCR objects, like:
irule-tool.exe -q net/self
- irule rest client, (C) 2017 Krystian Baniak
- using target:, query: /mgmt/tm/net/self response: tm:net:self:selfcollectionstate --> item: tm:net:self:selfstate self_server_1 gen: 145 item: tm:net:self:selfstate app_float_1 gen: 1 item: tm:net:self:selfstate ha_1 gen: 1 item: tm:net:self:selfstate self_app_main_1 gen: 1
The best application is to follow batch processing mode by specifying batch file as the parameter:
irule-tool.exe -b batch-file.json
Example batch file is in directory.
Supported batch commands: SAVE SYNC LOAD_RULES
Self explaining isn't it :-)
THis will generate comprehensive Excel file with configuration dump.
irule-tool.exe -t host -a file.xlsx