Tools for Natural Variation collections.
(pron. en-vee-toolkit)
Tools to take a table of accession data and associated photos and generate beautiful HTML summaries.
Tools to sort images the QR codes they contain (see, and also to print Avery-style sheet labels.
A tool that can add a templated QR code to a form as SVG, for when simple labels aren't enough. We mostly use this for field collection forms, but it's totally generic.
Tools for working with samples in 96-well plates:
- Convert between various plate layouts:
- Normalise DNA concentrations as measured with flurometeric dyes and a plate reader (e.g. PicoGreen):
- Create plate layout samplesheets for sequencing, with our extended nextera adapter set
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Dr. K. D. Murray, Weigel Group, Max Planck Insitute for Biology, Tübingen, DE.