A simple app that reports near duplicate articles using distance in a vector-space model.
Currently, the repository is missing example articles as well as examples of the filter and replacement word lists necessary for running the code. However, I hope that the code will serve as a useful example.
Get Apache Spark - last tested with 2.4.3 (May 07 2019) Pre-build for Apache Hadoop 2.7 and later
$ ./sbt assembly
A jar (dedup-assembly-0.1.jar
) will be created under target/scala-2.11
Get a stopword list to use:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moewe-io/stopwords/master/dist/en/en.json
Get a replacement word list to use, a json dict:
echo "{}" > replacement-words.json
Format the input documents:
jq -c '.[] | select(has("issue") or has("body")) | {article_id: ."solution.id" | tonumber, text: (.issue + .body | join(" "))}' input.json > docs.json
Import data:
Create a directory called workdir
for intermediate files.
spark-submit --master "local[*]" --class com.redhat.et.dedup.DedupApp target/scala-2.11/dedup-assembly-0.1.jar --work-dir workdir import-data --articles docs.json --filter-words en.json --replacement-words replacement-words.json --min-word-count 5
Compute Histogram: Histogram document pairs based on distances. The histogram may appear bimodal, suggesting a natural threshold for predictions.
spark-submit --master "local[*]" --class com.redhat.et.dedup.DedupApp target/scala-2.11/dedup-assembly-0.1.jar --work-dir workdir histogram --bin-width 0.05 --histogram-file histogram.txt --tfidf --normalize
Predict duplicate pairs:
spark-submit --master "local[*]" --class com.redhat.et.dedup.DedupApp target/scala-2.11/dedup-assembly-0.1.jar --work-dir workdir rankings --rankings-file rankings.txt --tfidf --normalize --threshold 0.5
For large data sets, you may need to add --executor-memory 200G and --driver-memory 200G to the spark-submit lines.
Print out URLs to compare individual detected pairs:
perl -e 'while (<>) { chomp; ($a,$b,$d)=split; print "https://dupecheck.usersys.redhat.com/compare?b=$b&a=$a\n"; }' workdir/rankings.txt