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Submitting New Issues

Keefer Rourke edited this page Jan 28, 2018 · 2 revisions

Submitting an issue

If you find a problem with La Capitaine, please open an issue. By default, the new issue form is populated with this template. If you are submitting an application icon request, use this template and see below.

If you are reporting a bug or other issue, you may ignore the template form, but please be as explicit as possible with your problem.

Submitting icon requests

I'm a busy student and have a lot on my plate in addition to maintaining this icon theme. Following the expected formats for issues makes my life easier and ensures that your request is fulfilled faster.

Please note that I absolutely do not maintain a timeline for icon development, and any deadlines I set are loose. You can throw some money at me if you want your issue to take higher priority.

Desktop application icons

If you've found an application icon that is unthemed on your desktop, you may either contact me directly or open an issue on Github . Use the following template for icon requests and title your issue as [Request] Name of Application.

Example issue

[Request] GNOME Games

Application information

Application name Icon name Context Icon reference
Games org.gnome.Games Application games

Desktop file

# Paste your desktop file below.
# Do NOT include non-English translation strings.
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Video game player
Comment=View and play your video games collection
Keywords=game;videogame;video game;player;
Exec=gnome-games %U

Actions, status, and other small or symbolic icons

For action / symbolic-status icons, I consider these issues to be bugs, because they may horribly affect the consistency of a UI. Sometimes the icon is missing, or the SVG+XML is bad and fails to render under some engines.

If you are submitting this kind of issue, delete the template that pre-fills the new-issue form.

Submit the following information:

  • The name of the missing or unthemed icon
  • The name of the application that fails to display it properly
  • The name of the desktop environment you use
  • A screenshot of the problematic UI
  • Any additional information that may help diagnose the problem

Please title your issues as: [Bug] Missing Icon Description in Affected Application

Example Issue

[Bug] Missing save and settings icons in Kate

The save and settings icons fail to render in the Kate text editor under KDE.

Affected icons:

  • actions/22x22/document-save.svg
  • actions/22x22/document-preferences.svg

Annotated Screenshot: screenshot

Possible source of the problem:

An SVG rendering error occurred for actions/22x22/document-save.svg. Attempting to open the image in Firefox yields the following error:

XML Parsing Error: prefix not bound to a namespace
Location: file:///home/user/.icons/la-capitaine-icon-theme/actions/22x22/document-save.svg
Line Number 11, Column 5: