This golang library serves as a wrapper around the azure-service-bus-go SDK to facilitate the implementation of a pub-sub system on Azure using service bus.
Currently we are assuming that both the publisher and the listener will both use this azure-pub-sub library. This is because the listener assumes that the struct type of the body is in the header of the message it receives. This addition is done automatically when using the publisher of this library via reflection. This is done so that the library user can easily filter out certain event types. Specifically this is what the message should look like:
"data": "<some data>",
"userProperties": {
"type": "<name of the struct type>" // used for subscription filters
This is enforced by the fact that the listener handler's function signature expects the messageType to be there:
type Handle func(ctx context.Context, msg *message.Message) message.Handler
If the type
field from userProperties
is missing, the listener handler will automatically throw an error saying it is not supported.
In the future we will support raw listener handlers that don't have this restriction to allow for more publisher flexibility.
To start receiving messages, you need to create a Listener, and start listening. Creating the Listener creates the connections and initialized the token provider. You start receiving messages when you call Listen(...) and pass a message handler.
l, err := listener.New(listener.WithConnectionString(serviceBusConnectionString))
This is useful when the consumer needs to control the creation of the token or when multiple publishers/listeners in a single process can share the same token. It allows to reduce the number of request to refresh the token since the cache is shared.
spt, err := adal.NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithIdentityResourceID(...)
if err != nil {
// handle
l, err := listener.New(listener.WithToken(sbNamespaceName, spt))
To configure using managed identity with Service Bus, refer to this link. Note if you see errors for certain operation, you may have an RBAC issue. Refer to the built-in RBAC roles here.
l, _ := listener.New(listener.WithManagedIdentityClientID(serviceBusNamespaceName, managedIdentityClientID))
Or using the resource id:
l, _ := listener.New(listener.WithManagedIdentityResourceID(serviceBusNamespaceName, managedIdentityResourceID))
Keep the clientID parameter empty
l, _ := listener.New(listener.WithManagedIdentityClientID(serviceBusNamespaceName, ""))
defer listener.Close(context.Background(()) // stop receiving messages
The Handler
is a func that takes in a context and the message, and returns another Handler
type, represents the result of the handling.
handler := message.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, msg *message.Message) message.Handler {
err := DoSomething(ctx, msg)
if err != nil {
return msg.Error(err) //trace the error, and abandon the message. message will be retried
return msg.Complete() // handling successful. remove message from topic
// listen blocks and handle messages from the topic
err := l.Listen(ctx, handler, topicName)
// Note that err occurs when calling l.Close(), because it closes the context, to shut down the listener.
// This is expected as it is the only way to get out of the blocking Lister call.
In some cases, your message handler can detect that it is not ready to process the message, and needs to retry later:
handler := message.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, msg *message.Message) message.Handler {
return msg.RetryLater(10*time.Minute)
// listen blocks and handle messages from the topic
err := l.Listen(ctx, handler, topicName)
Note that this happens in-memory in your service. The receiver is keeping your message and pushing it back to your handler after the given time. This will not increase the retry count of the message, as the message is not dequeued another time.
err := l.Listen(ctx, handler, topicName)
err := l.Listen(
sqlFilter := fmt.Sprintf("destinationId LIKE '%s'", "test")
err := l.Listen(
servicebus.SQLFilter{Expression: sqlFilter},
l, err := listener.New(listener.WithManagedIdentityResourceID(serviceBusNamespaceName, managedIdentityResourceID))
if err != nil {
return err
if err := l.Listen(ctx, handler, topicName); err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
err := l.Close(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to close listener: %s", err)
topicName := "topic"
pub, _ := publisher.New(
To configure using managed identity with Service Bus, refer to this link. Note if you see errors for certain operation, you may have an RBAC issue. Refer to the built-in RBAC roles here.
Using Identity ClientID
topicName := "topic"
pub, _ := publisher.New(
publisher.WithManagedIdentityClientID(serviceBusNamespaceName, managedIdentityClientID),
Using Identity ResourceID
topicName := "topic"
pub, _ := publisher.New(
publisher.WithManagedIdentityResourceID(serviceBusNamespaceName, managedIdentityResourceID),
Keep the clientID parameter empty
topicName := "topic"
pub, _ := publisher.NewPublisher(
publisher.WithManagedIdentityClientID(serviceBusNamespaceName, ""),
topicName := "topic"
pub, _ := publisher.New(
// msgs will have a header with the name "headerName" and value from the msg body field "Id"
publisher.SetDefaultHeader("headerName", "Id"),
Duplication detection cannot be enabled on Service Bus topics that already exist. Please think about what capabilities you would like on the Service Bus topic up front at creation time.
Note that you need to use this feature in conjunction with setting a messageID on each message you send. Refer to the Publishing a message with a message ID section on how to do this.
topicName := "topic"
dupeDetectionWindow := 5 * time.Minute
pub, _ := publisher.New(
publisher.SetDuplicateDetection(&dupeDetectionWindow), // if window is null then a default of 30 seconds is used
cmd := &SomethingHappenedEvent{
Id: uuid.New(),
SomeStringField: "value",
// by default the msg header will have "type" == "SomethingHappenedEvent"
err := pub.Publish(ctx, cmd)
cmd := &SomethingHappenedEvent{
Id: uuid.New(),
SomeStringField: "value",
err := pub.Publish(
The duplication detection feature requires messages to have a messageID, as messageID is the key ServiceBus will de-dupe on. Refer to the Initializing a publisher with duplication detection section.
cmd := &SomethingHappenedEvent{
Id: uuid.New(),
SomeStringField: "value",
messageID := "someMessageIDWithBusinessContext"
err := pub.Publish(
- copy the
to a.env
at the root of the repository - fill in the environment variable in the .env file
- run
make test-setup
. that will create the necessary azure resources. - run
make integration
. <- build & push image + start integration test run on ACI