Do not trust your Cloud. Always encrypt data before uploading.
This tool makes an AES encrypted backup of some folder directly in the cloud. There is no redundant data on your local drive. Even the Metadata like filenames are encrypted, so nobody will be able to see any information about the data you uploaded.
- Encrypts/Decrypts data on the fly
- Works incrementally (backups only changed files)
- Completely scrambles files and directories. You wont see any difference
- Can do partial backups or restores
- Single Executable which does not need to be installed for Windows and Linux. Other Platforms can use the single jar Java Version.
This code is licensed under conditions of GPL-v3.
Windows users can use the native exe version or the java implementation. The parameters are the same for all Versions.
Linux users can use the native version or the java implementation. The parameters are the same for all Versions.
OSX users can use the java implementation. The parameters are the same for all Versions.
crypt2cloud [--backup | --restore | --list] --password PASSWORD --plaindir DIRECTORY --cryptdir DIRECTORY [--path SUBPATH]
for tha java version use this
java -jar crypt2cloud.jar [--backup | --restore | --list] --password PASSWORD --plaindir DIRECTORY --cryptdir DIRECTORY [--path SUBPATH]
--backup will store plain files into the crypted directory.
--restore will restore plain files from the crypted directory.
--list will list the files stored in the crypted directory.
--path will limit the operation to only the given path. Useful to limit restore to single files or directories, or if you know, that backup only needs to be performed on some directories.
Make sure you have mounted your cloud folder. We asume you used /media/cloud in this examples.
To backup data in the folder /data/private use this command.
java -jar crypt2cloud --backup --plaindir /data/private --cryptdir /media/cloud/crypt2cloud --password cloudIsEvil
This will result in a folder Structure similar to this:
To restore data to a new folder /tmp/private_restored use this command.
java -jar crypt2cloud --restore --plaindir /tmp/private_restore --cryptdir /media/cloud/crypt2cloud --password cloudIsEvil