Monitor your MarkLogic Application. Full detail at MarkLogic-Monitoring.pdf.
Just one thing to do. You need to specify the application server you wish to monitor.
Open up data/config/monitoring-config.xml
to whatever your application server name is. If nothing else, set it to ML-Monitoring-xcc, and then it will monitor itself.
Now run local ( having set your )
The app will install on http://localhost:8030
A scheduled job will run once per minute, snapping everything associated with your application.
This install uses Roxy - - so if you want to install to other servers just do the Roxy thing with your properties.
You can access via good old admin, but ML-Monitoring-user/ML-Monitoring-user would be better
Maybe a little mlcp?
I use
./ import -host $HOST -port $PORT -username $USERNAME -password $PASSWORD -mode local -fastload $FASTLOAD -input_file_path $IMPORT_PATH -thread_count $THREAD_COUNT -input_compressed true -output_uri_prefix /
to import from a named zip file. Make sure your $PORT corresponds to the server named above.
Check your ErrorLog.txt if nothing happens. The first insert will throw some errors, but after that, you should be cooking with gas.
Works with ML6. References some ML modules. It may not work with ML7. If not, let me know. Easily rectified.