List based note taking app in a terminal interface
Create a folder in your current directory called text
, and create a file called example.txt
. Then go run listty
or run from executable.
Ctrl-Q Close application
Ctrl-S Save tree to file
Shift-Up/Down Swap selection with item above/below, without changing its depth
Tab Indent item
Shift-Tab Outdent item
(This is the default and startup mode for Listty)
Enter Enter Edit mode
Shift-Enter Create new item
Delete Delete item // future
Up/Down Select the item above/below current selection
Left/Right Collapse/Expand // future
D Duplicate item // future
. Intdent (alias)
, Outdent (alias)
Ctrl-Right Limit scope to selected item and its sub-tree // future
Ctrl-Left Increase scope to one level above selected item //future
(Type to add text to an item)
Enter Save item changes, leave Edit mode
Shift-Enter Save item changes, create and select a new item, in Edit mode
Escape Cancel item edit, return to previous state and enter selection mode
Up/Down Navigate to line begin/end
Left/Right Move cursor left/right
Backspace Remove character left of cursor