Named entity recognition (NER) helps you easily identify the key elements in a text, like names of people, places, brands, monetary values, and more.Extracting the main entities in a text helps sort unstructured data and detect important information, which is crucial if you have to deal with large datasets.
XTREME is a benchmark for the evaluation of the cross-lingual generalization ability of pre-trained multilingual models that covers 40 typologically diverse languages and includes nine tasks.
- Get data and properly create text and label (Can be done using
- Use trasnformer Roberta architecture for training the ner tagger
- Use hugging face for Robereta Tokenizer
- Train and Deploy model for use-cases
create fresh conda environment
conda create -p ./env python=3.8 -y
activate conda environment
conda activate ./env
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run train pipeline
python ner/pipeline/
To run inferencing
To launch swagger ui
- Natural Language processing
- Pytorch
- Transformer
- FastApi
- Search and Recommendation system
- Content Classification
- Customer Support
- Research Paper Screening
- Automatically Summarizing Resumes
We have shown how to train our own name entity tagger along with proper inplementaion of train and predict pipeline.