This library makes using SQLite in Android very easy. You can create a database with 1 line of code and your data models.
To start using the library add the following to your build.gradle file (not the root file):
compile "com.mastertechsoftware.easysqllibrary:easysqllibrary:1.0.9"
EasySQLLibrary requires an application context. To initialize make a call at least 1x to: DatabaseManager.getInstance(applicationContext);
Data models are just POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects). They can subclass any object but must implement ReflectTableInterface. If you would like to subclass a default interface, use the DefaultReflectTable class. This class just provides the _id field. EasySQLLibrary will use reflection to pull out the field names for the database. Each POJO will be a table and each field will be a field in the table. You will make 1 create call for each database, passing in all the models you want for that database. This is usually done in the application.
Table Example:
public class Meta extends DefaultReflectTable {
protected int version;
protected String database;
protected String creationString;
This will create a table named Meta with the fields version : INTEGER, database : TEXT and creationString : TEXT.
To create a database, simply call:
DatabaseHelper databaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper("Slack");
databaseHelper.createDatabase("User", User.class, Profile.class);
This creates a Database named Slack with the main table name of User, with two tables named user and profile.
To get all of the items from a table, use the following:
List<User> users = databaseHelper.getAll(User.class);
To get a single item from a table, use the following (where id is an int that specifies a unique key):
User user = databaseHelper.get(User.class, id);
More advanced queries can made using the DatabaseManager class.
To add a list of items call:
databaseHelper.addAll(User.class, users);
To add a single item call:
databaseHelper.add(User.class, user);
To remove all items in a table call:
To remove a single item call:
databaseHelper.delete(User.class, user);
To update a single item call:
databaseHelper.update(User.class, user);
To delete the entire database (if you were upgrading and needed to build it again):
EasySQLLibrary uses reflection so you will have to keep the model classes in your proguard file