I haven't used/worked on this repository in quite some time, thus archiving it.
Feel free to fork and take the project in a new direction. You could also contact me to unarchive it if you are willing to maintain it.
A React Native mobile flashcards application for the Udacity React Nanodegree.
Demo video (2 mins) of the basic functionalty.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App.
Below you'll find information about performing common tasks. The most recent version of this guide is available here.
Ensure you have everything needed to run a React Native Application (i.e., XCode or Android Studio, node, yarn).
The following will install all the required dependencies:
Both iOS and Android will work, although the iOS version has been better battle-tested and is the preferred platform.
For iOS:
yarn run ios
For Android:
yarn run android
ESLint and Prettier are used for this project. You can run them via:
yarn run lint
- Ability to create decks
- Ability to add cards to decks
- Ability to quiz yourself on a deck
- A daily notification at 8:00pm to take a quiz (if you have not yet)
- Delete/edit decks
- Delete/edit cards
- Persistence of redux state using something like redux-persist