This repository is for those who plan to demo your Pi projects at the Pi Projects show and tell on Saturday, Nov 5, 2016 at 10:00 AM. Things you might place here would be descriptions of what you're having your Pi do, what problems it solves, and possibly some scripts or even photos related to your Pi project.
Fork this repo by click on the Fork icon in the upper right corner. Once forked you will be able to add the code you want to demo.
Do so by running the following commands:
$ git checkout -b feature-name
$ git add /path/to/script
$ git commit -m 'commit message'
$ git push --set-upstream origin feature-name
Once you have your scripts in the repo create a pull request back to this repo and we will add it as well as make you a member of the KeyLUG org.
Lastly be sure to update the with your name, topic, and time estimated for your demo.
Feel free to contact the KeyLUG organizers at