Run the following commands to install all dependencies
sudo npm install
sudo npm install -g
Also need to create the database and tables: instructions found below
<p>To run the app on your local machine:</p>
<p>Visit <tt></tt></p>
<p>To visit our app online:</p>
<p>Heroku URL:</p>
<p>Instructions on testing the code found below</p>
Changelog Entry 17: //Added getEvent API
Changelog Entry 16: //Edited database creation for comments
Changelog Entry 15: //Edited database creation statements for mynotifications field on users
Changelog Entry 14: //Updated Real-Time Invite Notifications Spec in doc
Changelog Entry 13: //Updated getMyEvents API for past events
Changelog Entry 12: //Added Section for Running Socket.IO
Changelog Entry 11: //Added getActivityById Method to Activity
Changelog Entry 10: //Updated Run Configuration
Changelog Entry 9: //Added getMyEvents API //Added response information for User API section
Changelog Entry 8: //Update Testing Information With Code Coverage
Changelog Entry 7: //Updated Header for JSON Object
Changelog Entry 6: //Added Selenium Automation tests
Changelog Entry 5: //Added information on how to test locally
Changelog Entry 4: //Changing all Activities parameters to No Camel Case //Flag is camelCase
Changelog Entry 3: //errCode
7 - Backend Error
Changelog Entry 2: //ActivityModel Fields
- Category: string
Changelog Entry 1: //required fields that the client checks is valid
- flag
- begin_date
- end_date
- latitude
- longitude
Changelog Entry 0: //ActivityModel Fields
- Name: string
- Description: string
- time1: time
- time2: time
- flag: string -vals=startEnd, openClose, anyTime, dayTime, nightTime
- begin_date: date
- end_date: date
- low_price: int
- high_price: int
- low_num_participants: int
- high_num_participants: int
- latitude: number
- longitude: number
- category: string
Response Status Codes:
- 200 - Success
- 500 - Internal Server Error
- 401 - Unauthorized
- 404 - Not Found
- 1 - Success (for all API)
- 2 - User Exists (for Create User)
- 3 - Username Too Long / Empty (for Create User)
- 4 - Password Too Long / Empty (for Create User)
- 5 - Auth Failed (for Login)
- 6 - Missing Required Parameter (for Create/Find Activity/Event)
- 7 - Backend Error - Probably retry
- 8 - Event dates/times are incorrect (begindate > enddate)
- 9 - User/Activity specified to add to the event does not exist
- 10 - EventID passed to backend does not correspond to a valid event
- 11 - Event date/time is invalid
- 12 - Atleast one email in the list of emails is malformed
- 13 - Invite Email failed to send
- 14 - Email given at user creation is invalid
'activityid': [string, required]
- 'errCode': [1 if success, 6 if missing activityid, 7 if database error]
- 'activity': [JSON encoded Activity Model if errCode=1, null otherwise] }
- 'name': [string, required],
- 'description': [string],
- 'time1': [int milliseconds since midnight, required-IF flag=='startEnd' || flag=='openClose'],
- 'time2': [int, milliseconds since midnight, required-IF flag=='startEnd' || flag=='openClose'],
- 'flag': [string subset of: {'startEnd', 'openClose', 'anyTime', 'dayTime', 'nightTime'}, required],
- 'begin_date': [milliseconds since epoch, int],
- 'end_date': [milliseconds since epoch, int],
- 'low_price': [int, required],
- 'high_price': [int, required],
- 'low_num_participants': [int],
- 'high_num_participants': [int],
- 'latitude': [number],
- 'longitude': [number],
- 'category': [string] }
- 'name': [string],
- 'description': [string],
- 'time1': [int milliseconds since midnight],
- 'time2': [int, milliseconds since midnight],
- 'begindate': [milliseconds since epoch, int],
- 'enddate': [milliseconds since epoch, int],
- 'attendingusers': [CSV string of user ids, not including creator of event],
- 'activity':[activity recordID corresponding to this event] }
- 'eventid': [string],
- 'time1': [int milliseconds since midnight],
- 'time2': [int, milliseconds since midnight],
- 'begindate': [milliseconds since epoch, int],
- 'enddate': [milliseconds since epoch, int]
only pass fields that are changed
- 'errCode': [1 = success, 6 = missing eventID or date/time parameters, 10 = invalid event, 11 = invalid date/times]
- 'message': [string] more info about error
- 'eventid': [string],
- 'usernames': [CSV string of usernames] }
- 'errCode': [1 = success, 6 = missing eventID or email list parameters, 10 = invalid event, 12 = some emails were malformed, 13 = Invite email failed to send for whatever reason ]
- 'bademails': [if errCode = 12, contains list of malformed emails, else null]
- 'message': [string] further explains any error code
- 'errCode': [1 = success]
- 'currentEvents': [Contains list of current events for the current user]
- 'pastEvents': [Contains list of past events for the current user]
<li>Redirect to /login if User Not Authenticated</li>
eventId: [eventId of event you want]
- 'errCode': [1 = success]
- 'event': [Contains single event or empty object]
<li>Redirect to /login if User Not Authenticated</li>
- 'eventid': [string],
- 'userid': [string], }
- 'errCode': [1 = success, 6 = missing required param, 7 = backend error, 10 invalid eventid/userid]
- 'eventid': [string],
- 'userid': [userId string],
- 'text': [String] }
- 'errCode': [1 = success, 6 = missing required param or null comment, 7 = backend error, 10 invalid userid/eventid]
- 'eventid': [string], }
- 'errCode': [1 = success, 6 = missing required param, 7 = backend error, 10 invalid eventid]
- 'comments': json list of comment models from this event
- 'userName': [string],
- 'firstName': [string],
- 'lastName': [string],
- 'password': [string],
- 'email': [string],
- 'myevents': [CSV string of event ID's], }
- 'errCode': [1 = Success (for all API), 2 = User Exists (for Create User), 3 = Username Too Long / Empty (for Create User),
4 = Password Too Long / Empty (for Create User), 5 = Auth Failed (for Login), 7 = Backend Error - Probably retry
Then use the following to costruct the tables required to run GAP:
CREATE TABLE users ( username text, email text, password text, family_name text, given_name text, created_at timestamptz, updated_at timestamptz, myevents text, mynotifications float8, id text );CREATE TABLE passports ( auth_type text, key text, user_id text, created_at timestamptz, updated_at timestamptz, id text );
CREATE TABLE activities ( name text, description text, category text, time1 float8, time2 float8, flag text, begindate float8, enddate float8, lowprice float8, highprice float8, lownumparticipants float8, highnumparticipants float8, latitude float8, longitude float8, duration float8, created_at timestamptz, updated_at timestamptz, id text );
CREATE TABLE events ( name text, description text, time1 float8, time2 float8, begindate float8, enddate float8, activityid text, attendingusers text, comments text, created_at timestamptz, updated_at timestamptz, id text );
CREATE TABLE comments ( userid text, text text, created_at timestamptz, updated_at timestamptz, id text );
Running unit tests: npm install -g install postgres with the database configured like the above^^
Install node-jscoverage Download node-jscoverage from here as ZIP: Extract zip folder to ./node_modules cd ./node_models/node-jscoverage-master ./configure && make && make install
Run Tests geddy jake test
The Standalone .jar file is included in the project under /test/selenium. The python client is needed in order to run. So you will need python-pip, which you can install (e.g. on Ubutnu it's sudo apt-get install python-pip). Then run the command to install the selenium client with pip install -U selenium
Each file has all the imports needed, so to run, just run the python command with the file python
- is an example file that has some of API calls to make it work. As of right now the only browser that works is Firefox, so please have it installed
- is the find activity test that looks for activities most closely resembling the search query: 5-15 people, On March 15th, and All Day event.
- is the create activity test that creates a new activity
- is the create activity test that creates a new even from an existing activity
Running Socket.IO FRONTEND var href = document.location.protocol + document.location.hostname + ':8000'; console.log('href =' + href); var socket = io.connect(href); socket.on('bobEvent', function (data) { console.log(data); socket.emit('bobReturn', { my: 'data' }); }); BACKEND = require('').listen(8000);'connection', function(socket) {
socket.emit('bobEvent', {message:"This is a bob event."});
socket.on('bobReturn', function (message){
console.log("GOT BOB RETURN!!!");
//Events For Invite Every user will register/listen to an invite event with the following structure: Event names: '{username}InviteEvent'
Backend will emit the event when that particular user is invited to a new event. Frontend will listen to event and update the unseen notifications badge.
Event will contain the following information:
- 'eventName': [string],
- 'eventId': [string] }