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Kuba Gretzky edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 3 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Unable to retrieve certificates from LetsEncrypt / Error 403 / Timeout error (likely firewall problem)

LetsEncrypt is not able to contact your server for verification of domain ownership.

  1. You need to own a registered domain (use Namecheap for example). Let's say you registered a domain and your external server where Evilginx is installed is at IP
  2. In domain configuration you need to add custom nameservers. Add and nameservers and set both to point to IP
  3. Change option for the domain to use Custom Nameservers and set the nameserver names to and

Now Evilginx server will properly respond to any DNS requests coming from the outside and will handle the resolution of any subdomains that you need to manage for your phishlets.

If you want to test Evilginx locally, run it with -developer parameter. Then after you set up the phishlet you want to test, get the hosts entries with phishlets get-hosts <phishlet_name> and add the output to your /etc/hosts file. This will route the hostnames to your local machine.