[9.100.x-prod] SRVLOGIC-329: Update prod files that are using latest tag to 1.33.0 tag #89
10 errors
k8s.io/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry for go.mod file; to add it:
k8s.io/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry for go.mod file; to add it:
invalid field type: invalid type
github.com/serverlessworkflow/sdk-go/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry for go.mod file; to add it:
k8s.io/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry for go.mod file; to add it:
k8s.io/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry for go.mod file; to add it:
knative.dev/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry for go.mod file; to add it:
knative.dev/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry for go.mod file; to add it:
k8s.io/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry for go.mod file; to add it:
github.com/evanphx/json-patch/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry for go.mod file; to add it:
This job failed