Tags for a GTD Syste
Next Action Tags can be used to label tasks that are properly defined and can be worked as soon as you can.
Waiting Tags can be used to label tasks that are cannot be worked on right now since some additional action needs to be performed by you or somene else. To avoid losing control over these tasks, additional tags or follow-up dates are needed.
Incubate Incuabe Tags can be used to label tasks are very early ideas
Knocked Down
Postpone Tags can be used to label tasks that have shown up on your Today list but could not complete at the end of the day.
- Commute
- Weekend
- Home
Brain Dead
Clarify and Think
Clarify Tags can be used to label tasks that need additional clarification. The clarification process might lead to create additional tasks that are more concise and actionable
Hanging Arount
- Stale
- Unassigned
- Orphan
- Overdue
- ???