(Abstract) This repository is for collecting and analysing Naver shopping product data.
Naver shopping is No.1 online shopping platform in South Korea. Through this repository you can explore what products are sold and bought in Korea. Even though code is specifically designed to meal kit products in Food category, you can easily change the url or selectors to fit your needs.
This repository was a part of SSACxFastCampus Big Data Analyst Training Course projects.
It doesn't need to install anything except python3 and some of python libraries.
'$ python3 naver_shopping_scrapping.py' to scrap product data on www.shopping.naver.com '$ python3 shopping_list_data_preparing.py' to preprocess collected data using naver_shopping_scrapping.py
Follow the description on CONTRIBUTE.md
Lee Ye-gyeong (https://github.com/leeyk0818) Kim Jeong-ah (https://github.com/rmkim7)