Welcome to CT on Rails!
git clone [email protected]:kimdbarnes/certotrack.git [local_dir]
cd [local_dir]
rvm gemset create certotrack
rvm gemset use certotrack
Note: You don't need to do this step if you've pulled the .rvmrc
file checked into master.
rvm --rvmrc --create ruby-2.0.0-p247@certotrack
In this case, 2.0.0 is the version of ruby you want to use and certotrack is the gemset.
Note: You DO still need to do the following even if you've pulled the .rvmrc
file checked into master.
cd ..
cd [local_dir]
Answer 'yes' when prompted. Copy & paste command to ignore rvm warnings.
export CERTOTRACK_SECRET_KEY=blahblahblah
create database certotrack_development;
create database certotrack_test;
create database certotrack_production;
create user certouser with password '';
grant all privileges on database certotrack_development to certouser;
grant all privileges on database certotrack_test to certouser;
grant all privileges on database certotrack_production to certouser;
alter database certotrack_development owner to certouser;
alter database certotrack_test owner to certouser;
alter database certotrack_production owner to certouser;
alter role certouser with createdb;
rake db:migrate
rake db:test:prepare
rake db:seed
rake db:reset
build_unit => Build all but features
build_all => Build all including features
git tag release-0.1 b4af07e
git push
git push --tags
./deploy-staging release-0.1
./deploy-production release-0.1
There is no UI at this point for reactivating employees, but there is a service.
From the (production) rails console, run:
after you've located the employee and stuffed them into a variable of the same name.