title | tags | author | description |
0509.Fibonacci Number |
Easy, Dynamic Programming |
Kimi Tsai <[email protected]> |
The Fibonacci numbers, commonly denoted F(n) form a sequence, called the Fibonacci sequence, such that each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1. That is,
F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1
F(n) = F(n - 1) + F(n - 2), for n > 1.
Given n, calculate F(n).
Example 1:
Input: n = 2
Output: 1
Explanation: F(2) = F(1) + F(0) = 1 + 0 = 1.
Example 2:
Input: n = 3
Output: 2
Explanation: F(3) = F(2) + F(1) = 1 + 1 = 2.
Example 3:
Input: n = 4
Output: 3
Explanation: F(4) = F(3) + F(2) = 2 + 1 = 3.
- 0 <= n <= 30
斐波那契數列, 通常用 F(n) 表示
F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1 F(N) = F(N - 1) + F(N - 2), 其中 N > 1. 給定 N,計算 F(N)。
提示:0 ≤ N ≤ 30 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 ,610, 987……
/ \
f(19) f(18)
... ...
/ \ / \
f(1) f(2) f(1) f(2)
這一題解法很多,大的分類是四種,遞歸,記憶化搜索(dp),矩陣快速冪,通項公式。其中記憶化搜索可以寫 3 種方法,自底向上的,自頂向下的,優化空間複雜度版的。通項公式方法實質是求 a^b 這個還可以用快速冪優化時間複雜度到 O(log n) 。
- https://books.halfrost.com/leetcode/ChapterFour/0500~0599/0509.Fibonacci-Number/
- https://leetcode.com/problems/fibonacci-number/
// --- Directions
// Print out the n-th entry in the fibonacci series.
// The fibonacci series is an ordering of numbers where
// each number is the sum of the preceeding two.
// For example, the sequence
// [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
// forms the first ten entries of the fibonacci series.
// Example:
// fib(4) === 3
package fibonaccinumber
import "math"
// Fib : iterative 迴圈 O(n) . 空間複雜 O(n). 自底向上的記憶化搜索
func FibIterative(n int) int {
var result = []int{0, 1}
for i := 2; i <= n; i++ {
a := result[i-1]
b := result[i-2]
result = append(result, a+b)
return result[n]
// Fibrecur : recursive 遞迴 O(2^n) . 空間複雜 O(n)
func Fibrecur(n int) int {
if n < 2 {
return n
return Fibrecur(n-1) + Fibrecur(n-2)
// the memo table
var memo = map[int]int{}
// FibDP : memoization 備忘錄的遞迴
// 比較快!
func FibDP(n int) int {
// 如果有cached 直接回傳
if v, vok := memo[n]; vok == true {
// cached
return v
if _, vok := memo[0]; vok == false {
// 沒cache
memo[0] = 0
if _, vok := memo[1]; vok == false {
// 沒cache
memo[1] = 1
for i := 2; i <= n; i++ {
if _, vok := memo[i]; vok == false {
// 沒cache
a := memo[i-1]
b := memo[i-2]
memo[i] = a + b
// fmt.Println(memo)
return memo[n]
// return FibDP(n-1) + FibDP(n-2)
// 狀態壓縮
func FibDPStateCompression(n int) int {
if n == 0 {
return 0
if n == 2 || n == 1 {
return 1
prev := 1
curr := 1
for i := 3; i <= n; i++ {
sum := prev + curr
prev = curr
curr = sum
return curr
var cache = map[int]int{}
func memoize(fn func(int) int) func(int) int {
return func(args int) int {
if _, vok := cache[args]; vok == true {
return cache[args]
result := fn(args) // 跑 Fibrecur(args)
cache[args] = result
return result
// Fibmem : memoization 拉出遞迴function
func Fibmem(n int) int {
result := memoize(Fibrecur)
return result(n)
// 解法五 矩阵快速幂 时间复杂度 O(log n),空间复杂度 O(log n)
// | 1 1 | ^ n = | F(n+1) F(n) |
// | 1 0 | | F(n) F(n-1) |
func Fib5(N int) int {
if N <= 1 {
return N
var A = [2][2]int{
{1, 1},
{1, 0},
A = matrixPower(A, N-1)
return A[0][0]
func matrixPower(A [2][2]int, N int) [2][2]int {
if N <= 1 {
return A
A = matrixPower(A, N/2)
A = multiply(A, A)
var B = [2][2]int{
{1, 1},
{1, 0},
if N%2 != 0 {
A = multiply(A, B)
return A
func multiply(A [2][2]int, B [2][2]int) [2][2]int {
x := A[0][0]*B[0][0] + A[0][1]*B[1][0]
y := A[0][0]*B[0][1] + A[0][1]*B[1][1]
z := A[1][0]*B[0][0] + A[1][1]*B[1][0]
w := A[1][0]*B[0][1] + A[1][1]*B[1][1]
A[0][0] = x
A[0][1] = y
A[1][0] = z
A[1][1] = w
return A
// 解法六 公式法 f(n)=(1/√5)*{[(1+√5)/2]^n -[(1-√5)/2]^n},用 时间复杂度在 O(log n) 和 O(n) 之间,空间复杂度 O(1)
// 经过实际测试,会发现 pow() 系统函数比快速幂慢,说明 pow() 比 O(log n) 慢
// 斐波那契数列是一个自然数的数列,通项公式却是用无理数来表达的。而且当 n 趋向于无穷大时,前一项与后一项的比值越来越逼近黄金分割 0.618(或者说后一项与前一项的比值小数部分越来越逼近 0.618)。
// 斐波那契数列用计算机计算的时候可以直接用四舍五入函数 Round 来计算。
func Fib6(N int) int {
var goldenRatio float64 = float64((1 + math.Sqrt(5)) / 2)
return int(math.Round(math.Pow(goldenRatio, float64(N)) / math.Sqrt(5)))
// 解法七 協程版,但是时间特别慢,不推荐,放在这里只是告诉大家,写 LeetCode 算法题的时候,启动 goroutine 特别慢
func Fib7(N int) int {
return <-fibb(N)
func fibb(n int) <-chan int {
result := make(chan int)
go func() {
defer close(result)
if n <= 1 {
result <- n
result <- <-fibb(n-1) + <-fibb(n-2)
return result